{"id":12300,"date":"2024-03-11T08:33:32","date_gmt":"2024-03-11T08:33:32","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/mtctheme.medicaltourismco.com\/foods-that-promote-wound-healing\/"},"modified":"2024-07-17T09:34:19","modified_gmt":"2024-07-17T09:34:19","slug":"foods-that-promote-wound-healing","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/mtctheme.medicaltourismco.com\/foods-that-promote-wound-healing\/","title":{"rendered":"Foods That Promote Wound Healing"},"content":{"rendered":"

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Foods That Promote Wound Healing<\/a>Food To Avoid<\/a>FAQs<\/a><\/div>rnrn

Diet post-surgery is essential. Certain foods trigger uncomfortable complications<\/strong> while others help you recover quicker.\u00a0This article will suggest you certain foods that promote wound healing<\/strong>!<\/p>\n<\/div>rnrn\"Bowl-of-healthy-healing-food-and-a-glass-of-juice\"rn<\/span>Post-surgery, your healthcare provider will specify the foods<\/strong> you should eat or avoid depending on your pre-existing health condition or the type of surgery.rnrnHowever, your appetite<\/strong> and ability to tolerate foods<\/strong> might be lower<\/strong> during recovery.<\/strong> A regular diet may not be enough for wound healing. Try these!rnrn

Eat well to recover well!<\/h2>

Know all about eating for recovery<\/h3>Call us<\/a><\/div>rnrn\n

What Foods To Eat After Surgery To Promote Healing?<\/h2>\n rnrn



1. Garlic<\/h3>\n

rnGarlic is a well-known natural remedy<\/strong> for colds and flu.rnrnIt effectively promotes healing due to its antibacterial<\/strong> and anti-viral<\/strong> properties. Garlic also has different compounds that reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.<\/strong>rnrnGarlic is known for its anti-tumor and anti-microbial effects. It also reduces blood glucose<\/strong> concentration.rnrnSource: National Library Of Medicine\n

National Library Of Medicine<\/p>\n

Garlic: a review of potential therapeutic effects<\/strong><\/p>\n

'u201cDifferent compounds in garlic are thought to reduce the risk for cardiovascular diseases, have anti-tumor and anti-microbial effects, and show benefit on high blood glucose concentration.u201d'<\/em><\/p>\n

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2. Ginger<\/h3>\n

rnGinger is another natural remedy<\/strong> that effectively treats nausea, vomiting, and motion sickness.rnrnIt has anti-inflammatory<\/strong> properties that promote healing. Ginger has been used for thousands of years to treat arthritis, migraines, and hypertension.rnrnSource: National Library Of Medicine\n

National Library Of Medicine<\/p>\n

The Amazing and Mighty Ginger<\/strong><\/p>\n

'u201cGinger has been purported to exert a variety of powerful therapeutic and preventive effects and has been used for thousands of years for the treatment of hundreds of ailments from colds to cancer.u201d'<\/em><\/p>\n

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3. Turmeric<\/h3>\n

rnTurmeric is a spice<\/strong> well known to reduce pain.<\/strong>rnrnA wide range of ailments, like inflammation and pain, can be treated with turmeric.rnrnIt also has strong anti-microbial properties<\/strong> that prevent bacterial infections in and around surgical wounds.rnrnSource: National Library Of Medicine\n

National Library Of Medicine<\/p>\n

Turmeric, the Golden Spice<\/strong><\/p>\n

'u201cturmeric is a potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic, antimicrobial, and anticancer agenu201d'<\/em><\/p>\n

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4. Fish oil<\/h3>\n

rnIt is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids<\/strong>, which are beneficial in promoting healing.rnrnOmega-3 fatty acids help to reduce inflammation<\/strong> and promote tissue regeneration.rnrnSource: National Library Of Medicine\n

National Library Of Medicine<\/p>\n

Omega-3 Fatty Acids<\/strong><\/p>\n

'u201cmega-3 dietary supplements may help lessen some of the symptoms of attention-deficit\/hyperactivity disorder, childhood allergies, and cystic fibrosis.u201d'<\/em><\/p>\n

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Fish Oil<\/h5>\n




Coconut Oil<\/h5>\n



5. Coconut<\/h3>\n

rnCoconut oil can be used as a moisturizer<\/strong>, anti-bacterial<\/strong> cream, or to heal wound marks.rnrnFurther, it is also effective in healing the skin due to its anti-bacterial<\/strong> and anti-inflammatory<\/strong> properties.rnrnSource: Pubmed\n


Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.: Arecaceae): in health promotion and disease prevention<\/strong><\/p>\n

'u201ccoconut kernel and tender coconut water have numerous medicinal properties such as antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic, antidermatophytic, antioxidant,u201d'<\/em><\/p>\n

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6. Aloe vera<\/h3>\n

rnIt is a plant well known for its healing sunburns, skin irritations, and especially scars or stitch marks post-surgery.rnrnLikewise, it is very effective against bacterial skin infections<\/strong>.rnrnAloe vera gel also is widely used to soothe<\/strong> the burning sensations<\/strong> around the wounds.rnrnSource: IJMS\n


The Effect of Aloe Vera Clinical Trials on Prevention and Healing of Skin Wound: A Systematic Review<\/strong><\/p>\n

'u201cAloe vera has been used to prevent skin ulcers and to treat burn wounds, postoperative wounds, cracked nipples, genital herpes, psoriasis, and chronic wounds including pressure ulcers.u201d'<\/em><\/p>\n

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Aloe Vera<\/h5>\n





7. Honey<\/h3>\n

rnIt is a natural sweetener<\/strong> that has many health benefits.rnrnHoney can not only be eaten, but you can also apply it to the skin.rnrnSimilarly, it effectively promotes healing<\/strong> due to its anti-bacterial<\/strong> and anti-microbial<\/strong> properties.rnrnSource: Pubmed\n


Honey: its medicinal property and antibacterial activity<\/strong><\/p>\n

'u201creports of honey being very effective as dressing of wounds, burns, skin ulcers and inflammations; the antibacterial properties of honey speed up the growth of new tissue to heal the woundu201d'<\/em><\/p>\n

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Which Foods To Avoid During Wound Healing?<\/h2>\n rnrn


rnrnFoods like sugar, caffeine, and alcohol<\/strong> can harm your surgical wound.rnrnMost importantly, avoid excessive consumption of unhealthy fats and carbohydrates<\/strong>, sugar<\/strong>, and salt.<\/strong>rnrnThese include doughnuts, cookies, fried foods, candy, and regular soda.rnrn<\/p>\n<\/div>



rnrnAlong with food, lifestyle changes<\/strong> are also essential.rnrnAbove all, rest is also vital. It promotes quicker recovery<\/strong> from any illness or surgery.\n

Pub Med Central<\/p>\n

Sleep, recovery, and metaregulation: explaining the benefits of sleep<\/strong><\/p>\n

'u201c one of the functions of sleep is to provide recovery, and that the need to sleep or sleep debt reflects the need to obtain sufficient recovery.u201d'<\/em><\/p>\n

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\">[8]<\/sup><\/span>rnrnLack of sleep<\/strong> causes the immune function to be latent and delays recovery.<\/strong>rnrn<\/p>\n<\/div>



rnrnAdditionally, it is best to avoid smoking<\/strong> or consuming alcohol<\/strong> during recovery.rnrnSmoking and drinking are known to suppress your immune system<\/strong> and could promote infections.\n

National Library Of Medicine<\/p>\n

moking, Chronic Wound Healing, and Implications for Evidence-Based Practice<\/strong><\/p>\n

'A higher incidence of wound complications associated with smoking include prolonged wound healing times,dehiscence,tissue flap necrosis, anastomotic leakage, decreased wound tensile strength,and infection'<\/em><\/p>\n

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\">[9]<\/sup><\/span> \n


The importance of hydration in wound healing<\/strong><\/p>\n

'The discovery that a moist environment actively supports the healing response when compared with a dry environment highlights the importance of water and good hydration levels for optimal healing'<\/em><\/p>\n

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\">[10]<\/sup><\/span>rnrnStaying hydrated<\/strong> is also very essential.rnrn<\/p>\n<\/div>


Conclusion<\/h2>\n rnrnWe hope this article will help you choose the best food to complement your medications and fasten the healing process.rnrnGet in touch with us today to plan your surgery abroad!rnrn\n

FAQs<\/h2>\n rnrn