<\/span>rnrnEducation and Experience in Artificial Cervical Surgery<\/strong>rnrnu201cI am a neurosurgeon by profession with my special interests in skull base, cerebro vascular and spine. We do lots of different kinds of surgery u2013 neuro surgery and sub specialty surgery.rnrnWe do macrosurgery, microsurgery, and endoscopic surgery, minimal access surgery for both brain and spine.rnrnu201cI received my neuro surgery training in Bangalore. I worked as a teacher in a medical college and subsequently underwent training in skull base in Detroit University, Michigan. It was a clinical fellowship and it was a very hectic fellowship for one year.rnrnThere are a lot of surgeries that we do minimal access surgery for brain and spine. We do some tumors, micro vascular decompression for trigeminal neuralgia, hemifacial spasm; we do transnasal endoscopic work for international patients.rnrnu201cIt essentially means that you use the natural cavity of the nose to use endoscope, to go to the base of the brain, try to treat patients and tumors in that locationu2026u2026.in and around the area where it can be approached.rnrnu201cAlso we do minimal access surgery for spine for disc problems, degenerative spine disease, artificial disc replacement for both cervical and lumbar regions. So we do varied kind of procedures.u201drnrnCervical Spine Disc Replacement Procedure India<\/strong>rnrnu201cPatients from many many countries, Canada, United States, African continent u2013 Nigeria, Zambiau2026 We have patients from Europe, England, patients from Italy.rnrnWe have patients also from other parts of Asia, in and around our country, Pakistan, Burma, we have patients from u2026.Maldives. Every place now people liking the way we offer treatment in this country.rnrnu201cDisc replacement is a new methodology of surgery to preserve motion at a particular segment. Fusion kills the motion. So in a certain subset of patients who satisfy criteria for preserving motion, we can offer disc replacement.rnrnMotion preservation has certain advantages. It may mix normal movement of the neck or back. It also helps in avoiding degeneration of disc, above or below of the segment that has been operated. So lots of advantages are there in disc replacement.u201drnrnIn the video, a surgeon from a leading hospital in India speaks about the procedure of spine disc replacement in India.rnrnHe also shares his experience in treatments of various surgeries like brains and spine tumors, micro vascular decompression for trigeminal neuralgia, hemifacial spasm and transnasal endoscopic treatments.rnrn<\/p>\n<\/div><\/div>rnrnMedical Tourism Corporation facilitates medical treatment in India & many other countries at state-of-the-art hospitals. We hope the content of our web site will help a medical tourist find the right destination of their needs.<\/strong><\/em>rnrn