rnrnu201cBasically, I think why people are still using the 2-stage implant for doingu2026surgery to place an implant. It has to be addressed for two reasons, one is they were trained to do that, and itu2019s difficult after, especially if an implantologist went to school for an extra two years or three years just tou2026 implant.rnrnWhen they see such an easy procedureu2026doesnu2019t justify all the studies they did. So, they like and there are people that like to see blood, and there people that like to really cut cutting and see the whole thing inside and stitches and everything. But thatu2019s just one reason.u201drnrnu201cThe other reason, I think, is just because the big companies doing the implants and there is so much money on them in selling the product and as two-stage implants and for one reason onlyu2026to do we end up buying more appointments and more stuff just to place the two-stage implant and that involves more money.rnrnThey have to justify all the costs and the way that theyu2019re selling to the whole structure underneath it and teaching and everything. They have to keep doing it because thereu2019s too much money involved. So a lot of the treatments were controlled by big companies because thatu2019s the way they were trained, and thatu2019s the way they were planning to sell the product.u201drnrnu201cBut the reality is the simplest way of placing it, and it makes sense. I mean, if itu2019s less, itu2019s easier for me to place an implant and itu2019s easier for the patient to recover after the implant, and also, it becomes easier for everybody.rnrnAt the same time, we can actually lower the prices and make it more affordable to a lot of people. I think dentistry, from them, maybe lastu00a0 7 years, 8 years maybe more, was developed more for the 10% of the population that had the money to pay for it.rnrnNow, weu2019re seeing that itu2019s changing a little bitu2026say that itu2019s getting more affordable for that rest of the 90% that cannot afford because it used to be that all these people, they did not have the money to do this and latest technology.u201drnrnu201cWhat they did is just pull out teeth and do a denture or do a partial that was it. Sometimes they would stay with nothing because it was too expensive to reach the next level, which is placing an implant, placing a crown, or placing a bridge.rnrnNow there is, especially with medical tourism, weu2019re able to keep the technology to more people, not only in our country; in Costa Rica, weu2019re able to reach more people in the United States, Canada, and Europe because weu2019re giving the same technology that was unaffordable and unreachable for other peopleu2026making it possible for the same kind of money they were paying for simple dentistry.u201drnrn<\/p>\n<\/div><\/div>rnrnFor patients seeking low-cost quality dental work in Costa Rica, Medical Tourism Corporation arranges affordable dental work in Costa Rica and other low cost countries. <\/em><\/strong>rnrn