{"id":11722,"date":"2024-03-11T08:33:21","date_gmt":"2024-03-11T08:33:21","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/mtctheme.medicaltourismco.com\/dental-crowns-in-los-algodones\/"},"modified":"2024-08-21T10:46:43","modified_gmt":"2024-08-21T10:46:43","slug":"dental-crowns-in-los-algodones","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/mtctheme.medicaltourismco.com\/dental-crowns-in-los-algodones\/","title":{"rendered":"Dental Crowns in Los Algodones, Mexico"},"content":{"rendered":"
\n\tmtctheme_content = “
Did your dentist recommend a dental crown, and you can't afford it at home? The great news is that dental crowns in Los Algodones, Mexico, offer assured savings of 75%<\/strong>! Want to avoid pricey crowns in the US?\n News-Medical.Net<\/p>\n Advantages and Disadvantages of Dental Crowns<\/strong><\/p>\n '\u201cDental crowns tend to be more expensive than other direct tooth restorations, which may be an inhibitory factor for some patients.\u201d'<\/em><\/p>\n View in Article<\/a>\n <\/div>\n \">[1]<\/sup><\/span> Keep reading. Save thousands of dollars by rescuing your teeth with quality dentistry<\/strong>!<\/p>\n<\/div>rnrn rnrnOver 15 million<\/strong> Americans undergo bridge and crown<\/strong> replacements for missing teeth every year.\n Grand View Research <\/p>\n Dental Implants Market Size<\/strong><\/p>\n 'u201c...over 15 million people in the U.S. undergo bridge and crown replacements for missing teeth every year...u201d'<\/em><\/p>\n View in Article<\/a>\n <\/div>\n \">[2]<\/sup><\/span>rnrn<\/p>\n<\/div>rnrnLos Algodones, aka the “Molar City<\/strong>,” is popular place for Americans and Canadians seeking low-cost dental care.\n LaingBuisson News<\/p>\n Dental tourism to Mexico rebounds<\/strong><\/p>\n 'u201cMore than 90% of their dental clients come from the United States and Canada. Both residents and tourists refer to Los Algodones as u2018Molar Cityu2019u201d'<\/em><\/p>\n View in Article<\/a>\n <\/div>\n \">[3]<\/sup><\/span>rnrnJust one square mile from Arizona, this Mexican border town has earned the title of “dental capital of the world.<\/strong>“\n Fox News<\/p>\n Los Algodones, Mexico, Has Become Dentist Capital of the World<\/strong><\/p>\n 'u201c...has slowly become one of the dental capitals of the world....u201d'<\/em><\/p>\n View in Article<\/a>\n <\/div>\n \">[4]<\/sup><\/span>rnrn<\/span>So, what makes Los Algodones dental prices so appealing? Let’s find out.rnrn\n Patient Testimonial - Low Cost Dental Crowns in Los Algodones, Mexico<\/h5><\/div>rnrn
Did you know?<\/h3>
Cost of Dental Crowns in Los Algodones<\/h2>\n rnrnIn Algodones, you can get a dental crown for just $120<\/strong>, which is at least a thousand dollars less than in the US.rnrnThe porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crown price in Los Algodones is $180<\/strong> compared to $1,500<\/strong> in the US.rnrnEven for expensive zirconia and E-max crowns, you can expect savings of up to 80%<\/strong> here. To know the savings on different types of crowns, let’s compare dental crown price in Algodones with the US.rn<\/p>\n