{"id":11472,"date":"2024-03-11T08:33:17","date_gmt":"2024-03-11T08:33:17","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/mtctheme.medicaltourismco.com\/medical-tourism-in-mexico\/"},"modified":"2024-08-31T05:32:54","modified_gmt":"2024-08-31T05:32:54","slug":"medical-tourism-in-mexico","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/mtctheme.medicaltourismco.com\/medical-tourism-in-mexico\/","title":{"rendered":"Medical Tourism in Mexico"},"content":{"rendered":"
\n\tmtctheme_content = “
Seeking affordable and accessible healthcare abroad? Medical tourism in Mexico<\/strong> can save you up to 80%.<\/strong> Find cost packages, top destinations, & best healthcare providers.<\/p>\n Read more<\/p>\n<\/div>rnrn New York Post<\/p>\n 1.2 million Americans visit Mexico for u2018medical tourismu2019 each year<\/strong><\/p>\n 'u201cMedical Tourism Mexico boasts that the country has u201cone of the strongest economies in Latin Americau201d and says its doctors u201chave the knowledge, education...u201d'<\/em><\/p>\n View in Article<\/a>\n <\/div>\n \">[2]<\/sup><\/span>rn<\/span>rnrnDon’t just take our word for itu2014check out these patient testimonials for extra reassurance.rnrn\n rnrnOver 90%<\/strong> of California border crossers for medical services found healthcare in Mexico to be of “same or better quality”<\/strong> than in the US.\n New York Post<\/p>\n 1.2 million Americans visit Mexico for u2018medical tourismu2019 each year<\/strong><\/p>\n 'u201cmore than 90% of a group of people crossing the border in California for medical services said they felt health care services in Mexico were the u201csame or better qualityu201d ....u201d'<\/em><\/p>\n View in Article<\/a>\n <\/div>\n \">[3]<\/sup><\/span>rnrn<\/p>\n<\/div>rnrn<\/span>Wondering about the affordability of treatments? <\/span>Scroll down and find out how much medical treatment costs in Mexico.rnrn\n ScienceDirect<\/p>\n Testimonial: Affordable Medical Tourism in Mexico<\/h5><\/div>rnrnMexico boasts one of the strongest economies<\/strong> in Latin America. The healthcare professionals here have the knowledge, education,<\/strong> and facilities<\/strong> required to deliver top-quality<\/strong> services.\n
Medical Tourism Mexico Reviews<\/h2>\n rnrn
Dental Work in Mexico<\/h5><\/div>rnrn
Orthopedic Surgery in Mexico<\/h5><\/div>rnrn
Cosmetic Surgery in Mexico<\/h5><\/div>rnrn
Weigh Loss Surgery in Mexico<\/h5><\/div>rnrn<\/div><\/div>rnrn
Did you know?<\/h3>
Cost of Medical Procedures in Mexico<\/h2>\n rnrnAs per the American Journal of Medicine,<\/span>u00a01.4 million<\/a> Americans sought health care in a variety of countries around the world. Many reach Mexico in order to get affordable treatment.u00a0<\/span>rnrnOn average, medical treatments here can be up to 80% cheaper<\/strong> than in the US. Whether you need dental work<\/a> or bariatric surgery<\/a>, you’ll find more budget-friendly options in Mexico.rnrnPlus, the quality of medical services in Mexico<\/strong> is just as good as<\/strong> in the US.<\/strong>\n