With root canal treatment abroad, you get rid of an infected tooth.[1] Best of all, you don’t run out of money to save your teeth. We provide you a cost-effective way to get relief from gnawing pain. You can scroll down to find out how RCT abroad can save ~ 80%.

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Patient Testimonial: Treatment Cost Lower Than in the US

What is the Cost of a Root Canal Treatment Abroad?

The root canal filling cost abroad is nearly one-fifth the price in the US, UK, or Canada.

The typical cost of a root canal in the US[2] & Australia [3] may range from $1,500 - $3,000. On the other hand, root canal cost in India is $100 for front teeth & $250 for molars.

Similarly, Mexico is also one of the cheapest countries for root canals, where dentists perform it at $230. Also, you can choose Thailand, Colombia, or Vietnam for low-cost RCTs.

Cost of Root Canal Abroad (Average Prices in USD)
Provider Country Cost Home Country Cost
Vietnam $50 - $100 US $300 - $1,500
Cambodia $100 - $150 New Zealand $700 - $1,500
India $100 - $250 Canada $900 - $1,500
Colombia $110 - $190 Australia $2,000 - $3,400
Thailand $170 - $450 UK $1,450 - $1,800
Mexico $230 - $320 Singapore $500 - $1,700
Costa Rica $250 - $325 France $400 - $700
*Every root canal treatment is case-dependent, hence prices may vary.

Did you notice the substantial savings at our provider locations?

Please note: If you need multiple RCTs & you don’t have insurance, the cost will just multiply. Therefore, we recommend you consider affordable root canals abroad to find good bargain options.

Get affordable RCT abroad!

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Why Choose Root Canal Treatment Abroad?

Over 100 million Americans don’t have dental insurance – so planning a dental holiday becomes an attractive option.[4]

-Tourism Review

Why Choose Root Canal Treatment Abroad?
There are six major criteria for why patients travel abroad for a root canal:

  • English-speaking staff
  • Affordable dentistry with savings > 80%
  • Certified dentists & globally accredited clinics
  • Early appointments without long waiting hours
  • Popular holiday destinations ensure a delightful trip
  • Top-notch services like Endodontic Microscope, Digital X-rays

Are you seeking an affordable clinic primarily for a root canal treatment? We suggest you choose the most proximal locations across the US-Mexico border.

You can navigate visa free for 180 days[5] across the border cities of Mexico like Tijuana, Los Algodones, Juarez and Nogales.

You can easily drive down the border for minor dental work. A root canal abroad alone might not save you a lot. But you can expect considerable savings on extensive procedures.

It will save your time and money while providing an immediate pain relief. See the table below to check how much time it takes to reach the US-Mexico border clinics.

US-Mexico Border Cities: Time & Distance (by car)

US Cities Mexico Cities Time Distance
San Diego, CA Los Algodones ~ 3 hrs 142 miles
Tucsan, AZ Nogales ~ 1.5 hrs 61 miles
Cotulla , TX Nuevo Laredo ~ 1 hr 69 miles
San Diego, CA Tijuana ~ 30 min 20 miles
El, Paso, TX Ciudad Juarez ~ 5 min 3.4 miles

Sometimes, clinics at home are fully-booked & they refuse further intakes. Then, patients choose to visit clinics in the neighboring countries, where they receive special care.

Besides, some clinics offer FREE first consultations with special packages. Let’s help you select your destination to avail these benefits.

Top 6 Countries for Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment in Mexico

Are you anxious about the soaring prices of root canals in the US and Canada? Then, Mexico is the right place to visit.

Firstly, you are just a few hours away from Mexico.[6] Secondly, your pain is instantly addressed at nearly half of the US cost.

Mexico Beach

Beach in Mexico

Almost 25% of world tourists visit Mexico for dental treatment.[7] So, there is no doubt why Mexico is known as the hot spot for dental tourism.

Americans can easily cross the border to major Mexican cities in two hours.[8]You can reach our reputed partner clinics in

  • Tijuana
  • Nogales
  • Cancun

We offer reliable facilities to our clients. For assurance, listen to our clients talking about their dental tourism experience in Mexico.

Root Canal Treatment in Colombia

Colombia is experiencing a massive inflow of tourists from all over the world.

Most visitors are from the US. [9]

As of 2021, more than 1 million tourists had entered the Colombian borders. [10]

Visitors to Colombia

Millions of Tourists Visiting Colombia

Bogota Cathedral Colombia

Bogota Cathedral, Colombia

In Colombia, we have partner clinics in

Read more about the best dentists in Colombia.

Root Canal Treatment in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is the place to be for high-quality dental services at a genuine cost. The dentists are bilingual & explain all treatments explicitly.

Moreover, the cost of root canal treatment in Costa Rica is 60-80% cheaper than the US clinics. ​​Also, it takes ~ 4 - 7 hours to reach Costa Rica from the US/Canada.[11] Thus, closer & convenient for the tourists.

Costa Rica

Rich Coastline in Costa Rica

With low crime rates, Costa Rica is also one of the safest countries in Central America.[12]

You can visit our network clinics in Costa Rica at:

  • Jaco
  • San Jose
  • Playa del Coco

Root Canal Treatment in India

India has a lot to explore, from the snow-covered Himalayas to the grandiose Taj Mahal.

Besides, India is home to a few of the best and most highly qualified dentists worldwide. NABH accredits dental clinics here.[13]

Taj Mahal in India

Taj Mahal in India

Despite using state-of-art equipment, root canal cost in India is about one-fourth of that in the US. It is because the Indian dental market is vast, with over 300 dental practices & 5000 dental labs.[14]

But we have handpicked the best practices for you. Read more about root canal treatment in India here.

Root Canal Treatment in Thailand

Thailand has trained dentists and modern health care infrastructures. Thus, they attain a competitive advantage over other countries.

People from the US, Europe, and Australia travel abroad to seek affordable & speedy treatment. Also, they relish diverse Thai food during the sightseeing.


Mesmerizing View in Thailand

Dentistry in Thailand offers outstanding services in the health tourism industry.

-  Thailand’s Dental Council[15]

Thailand's dental care is ranked as the third-most utilized service by international patients, forming 11% of health tourism.[16]

Don't believe us? Check the patient's feedback yourself.

Root Canal Treatment in Vietnam

Vietnamese cities such as Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City have had huge strides in dental tourism.

Out of 109.5 thousand graduate doctors, 500 are dentists in Vietnam.[17] Henceforth, each patient is treated with extreme precision. Vietnam

Water Park in Vietnam

Vietnam provides lucrative offers for dental tourists. So, it is likely to change the future dynamics of the dental market.

Top Clinics for Root Canals Abroad

The table below enlists the clinics offering world-class root canal treatment.

Top Dentists for Root Canals Abroad

Let's now meet root canal specialists overseas with impressive skills and certifications.

Dr. Xochiquetzalli Bojorquez
Dr. Xochiquetzalli Bojorquez

8+ years



RCT, Fillings


Autonomous University of Baja California

  • National Endodontic Congress in Los Cabos
  • AEDE-Claide Congress in Madrid, Spain
Dr. Guillermo Gomez
Dr. Guillermo Gomez

12+ years



Root Canal Treatment


National Autonomous University of Mexico

  • Certificate from Mexican Dental Association
Dr. Adolfo Marriaga Gutierrez
Dr. Adolfo Marriaga Gutierrez

18+ Years of Experience



RCTs & Veneers

  • Member of the Colombian Dental Association
  • Expert in performing RCTs & veneers
Dr. Ishita Shah

5+ years


RCT, Crowns & Bridges

  • International certifications in RCT, crown, & bridge
  • Certifications in composite restoration & smile design
Dr. Edgar Pabon‍

10+ years





Latin University of Costa Rica

  • Intensive training in Apical Microsurgery & Intentional Replantation, Mexico 2019
Dr. Benyarat‍

5+ years





Chiang Mai University

  • Diploma in Clinical Science-Operative & Clinical Science Endodontics
Dr. Tran Thanh

23+ years





Ho Chi Minh University

  • Former dentist at Central Odonto-Stomatology Hospital

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What is a Root Canal?

Root canal treatment is a dental procedure that eliminates bacteria from the infected root canal.

During an RCT, your dentist will remove all the damaged nerve tissue and disinfects and seals the tooth. So, it saves the natural tooth & prevents reinfection.

Source: American Association of Endodontists[18]

Watch on YouTube
Root Canal Treatment in Los Cabos, Mexico

Why Do You Need a Tooth Root Canal Treatment Abroad?

Wondering how you would know if you need a root canal?

Patient Complaining of Toothache

In Pain? Get Root Canal Treatment Abroad!

Read these points below and see if you answer them with a “yes.”

  • Excruciating pain
  • Swelling of gums
  • Tooth discoloration
  • Pain on biting or chewing
  • Recurrent or persistent pimple on your gums
  • Extended sensitivity to hot or cold, even if the stimulus is removed

If you are suffering from all these symptoms, it may indicate a root canal treatment.

Source: American Association of Endodontists[19]

Root Canal Procedure

To complete a root canal treatment, you need 1-2 visits. It is a five-step procedure, as shown below:

1. Firstly, the endodontist will take your tooth’s X-ray to check the shape and number of canals.

2. Then, you will receive local anesthesia to numb the surrounding area of the tooth.

3. Isolation: A rubber sheet is placed around the tooth to isolate & keep it free of saliva.

Root Canal Treatment

Stepwise Procedure of Root Canal Treatment

4. Access opening: The dentist makes an opening into the tooth to enter root canals. He/she removes the infected pulp and nerve tissue using fine instruments.

5. After a thorough cleaning with irrigants, filling for sealing of the root canals is done (using sealer paste and a rubber compound called gutta-percha).

Watch on YouTube
Root Canal Treatment Step by Step (Video Courtesy: See3 Communications)

Lastly, a temporary material restores the tooth, later replaced with a permanent one. If a large portion of tooth structure is lost, a dentist may recommend a post and core.

You can return to a dentist for a crown to enhance tooth strength & protect it from further damage.

Source: American Association of Endodontists[20]

Benefits of Root Canal Treatment Abroad

Saving a natural tooth with a cheap root canal has ample practical benefits.[21]

  • Restores tooth function
  • Eliminates pain & infection
  • Maintain your natural smile
  • Lets you eat your favorites
  • Limits the eventual need for pricey dental work
Benefits of Root Canal Treatment
Benefits of Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment Vs. Extraction

When you experience a wincing toothache, the first thought that strikes is getting rid of the tooth. Nevertheless, extraction can be the last but never the first choice of treatment.

Sometimes, a root canal can do wonders. It alleviates your pain & removes infection while saving your tooth.  Most patients say that root canal treatment is more painless than a tooth extraction.[22]

Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction

Also, with root canals, your recovery phase is more comfortable than with tooth removal. Tooth extraction follows lengthy appointments for a denture, bridge, or implants adding up to your expenses;

Root canal-treated tooth is generally taken care of by a crown. Thus, giving you a natural smile.

Precautions After Root Canal Abroad

You may feel mild discomfort after the procedure. But if you follow these guidelines, you can minimize unwanted after-effects.

Care for Post-RCT Discomfort

  • Take over-the-counter painkillers (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen) for aching teeth
  • Rinse your mouth with tepid salt water to reduce the discomfort thrice a day
  • Use ice bags for 15 minutes every hour for recurrent pain

OTC Medicines

Patient Taking Medicines

Precautions After Root Canal Treatment

  • Rinse your mouth after each meal.
  • Visit your dentist at scheduled intervals.
  • Eat soft foods for 1 - 2 days after your first root canal visit.
  • Avoid chewing with the root canal-treated tooth until completion.
  • Use a soft bristle toothbrush and floss normally after the root canal.

Source: American Association of Endodontists[23]

Reviews: Root Canal Treatment Abroad

Watch this video to ensure how promising dental treatments are abroad.

Watch on YouTube
Patient Testimonial: Painless Treatment in Mexico

FAQs: Root Canal Treatment Abroad

A simple root canal treatment can be completed in two appointments.[24] However, the time between them might vary based on healing.

Depending on the tooth's condition, a root canal can also be completed in a day (single visit RCT).[25]

The root canal cost in Mexico may range from $230 - $320. Additionally, Mexican root canal specialists don't charge patients over $500.

On the contrary, the US cost may rise upto $1500.


Traveling after a root canal is not a problem.[26] However, if it is done in a different country, you can wait for at least 4 - 5 days for a follow-up.

You can fly in between your appointments but ensure that you do not extend the time-lapse between sittings.

Acute dental pain needs urgent treatment. Sometimes, patients do without RCT for a few days as the pain goes away on taking painkillers.

But, it does not omit the need to visit a dentist. As no infection heals on its own, rather it tends to grow. So, get the infected tissues removed by experts.

According to recent studies, a tooth after a root canal can survive for around 11 years.[27] Factors like post-op care, crowns, follow-up visits, brushing, etc., can affect tooth survival.

To conclude, root canal-treated teeth with an appropriate filling and crown can last for ~ 20 years.[28]

Root canal treatment cost varies in different parts of the country. For instance, a root canal cost in the US without insurance is between $600 & $1,500.

On the contrary, if you visit Mexico, the average cost of RCT is $275 only. To save ~ 80%, check the prices of root canal treatment abroad.

Let's Conclude!

Thanks for taking out time to read about root canal treatment abroad. We help make your dental trip relaxed & fruitful.

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1. nhs.uk: Root canal treatment
2. Cost Helper: Root Canal Cost
3. Finder: How much does a Root Canal cost in Australia?
4. Tourism Review: Dental Tourism is Flourishing in Costa Rica
5. Rome2Rio: Los Angeles to Nogales6. Travel Math: The flight time...
6. Travel Math: The Flight Time...
7. ResearchGate: Dental Tourism in India...
8. Article Teeth: Is it Safe to Get a Root Canal in Mexico?
9. Colombia Reports: Tourism
10. Tourism Review: Dental Tourism is Flourishing in Costa Rica
11. NABH: Dental Healthcare Service Providers Accreditation Programme
12. ResearchGate: Dental Tourism in India...
13. ResearchGate: The level and determinants of international...
14. PR Newswire: The Vietnam Dental Services Market is expected to...
15. American Association of Endodontists: What is a Root Canal?
16. American Association of Endodontists: Root Canal Explained
17. American Association of Endodontists: Benefits of Root Canal Treatment
18. American Association of Endodontists: Post Treatment Care
19. dentistry.co.uk: Endodontics: single versus multiple visit
20. trip.ustia.org: IUSD Researcher publishes first U.S. study...
21. dentistry.iu.edu: IUSD Researcher publishes first U.S. study...