In this video, a leading orthopaedic spine surgeon from Turkey talks about his specialization in scoliosis treatment.

Because of the rising cost of surgical procedures in countries like the UK and the US, a lot of medical tourists are opting for spine surgeries abroad to avail high quality healthcare facilities at a reasonable cost.

Check out the video where the spine surgeon talks about orthopaedic and deformity treatment of spinal problems in the hospital.

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“I am an orthopaedic surgeon. After graduating from medical school in Turkey. I also finished my residency in Turkey. After completion my residency, I went to the United States and I studied. I did my fellowship in Texas Scottish Rite Hospital on sclerosis and spine and paediatric orthopaedic surgery.

There are a lot of spinal problems that we are dealing with here. Mostly an orthopaedic spine surgery, and I am dealing with deformity surgery like sclerosis and kyphosis deformities in the spine. Also, we are dealing with degenerative spinal conditions like spinal stenosis and foraminal stenosis, all these kinds of issues and also cervical problems, degenerative cervical problems also we are dealing with. Disc problems like nucleus populous herniations of the disc.  We are also dealing with disc problems by endoscopic technologies.

In minimally invasive surgery, we mainly use…. Technologies like endoscopic surgeries. With this surgery we can access the spine with a one-centimetre incision and like the orthoscopic system, we can see the area on a television and by this technology, we can perform all kind of discectomies. The success rate of this…. technology is 90%. It is almost same with the microdiscectomy technique.

Mainly we are getting patients from European countries like Romania, Russia, Albania and Bulgaria, and in the Middle East, United Arab Emirates and Iraq – we are getting patients from, and we started to get patients from United States and Australia also.”

Hospitals in Turkey are technologically advanced to conduct minimal invasive orthopaedic surgeries with success rate of 90%.

Low cost of orthopaedic procedures also attracts lot of patients from different European, middle Eastern and western countries to come to Turkey for scoliosis treatment.

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