Artificial Spinal Disk Replacement Cost Package: 11,000 to 14,000 U.S. Dollars
{The surgery cost covers all medical and logistics costs at the destination}

India [Harvard Medical-Affiliated & USA Joint Commission-Accredited Hospitals]
Mexico [World-Class Hospitals]
Spain [US-Educated & Trained Surgeons]
Korea [JCI Accredited Hospitals ]

Aging results in the deterioration of the biological and mechanical integrity of the inter-vertebral discs. Disc degeneration may produce pain directly or perturb the functional spinal unit in such a way so as to produce a number of painful entities.

A surgical approach commonly used in combating degenerative knee and hip conditions is now being utilized to successfully treat the degenerative disc disease in the spine.

Lumbar degenerative disc disease, DDD, is a common disorder that occurs when spinal discs deteriorate, i.e., – lose moisture, height and integrity of the tissues – as a result of injury, daily stress or natural aging.

This deterioration causes the vertebrae to rub against each other, possibly damaging nerve tissues, and resulting in pain and / or numbness.

Modern innovative operative treatment for Degenerative Disc Disease is the spinal disc replacement surgery. After removing the disc, it is replaced by an artificial disc, which restores movements in that particular segment.

The disc does not make higher motion segment of vertebral column painful in the longer run. An artificial disc is a three-piece medical device, consisting of a sliding core sandwiched between two metal endplates.

This is made of materials that usually do not harm the human body and are used in many other medical implants, such as total knee replacement implants.

Artificial Spinal Disk Replacement Surgery

Lumbar Disc Replacement Procedure

After the anesthesia is administered to the patient, he is laid on the back, to help the surgeon to get an access to the spine through the front of the body. A pillow is normally placed under the lower back.

There are usually 2 surgeons involved in the surgery – a general or vascular surgeon and a spine surgeon. A small incision is made near the patient’s belly button by the surgeon.

Working through the abdomen, the organs are carefully moved to one side. This makes it easier to see the front of the spine.

X-ray provides a clearer picture of disc to be replaced. The disc is then removed, the area prepared, and the replacement inserted.

Cervical Disc Replacement Procedure

Cervical disc replacement procedure is the operation done for the cervical disc and is the same as for a cervical fusion, and revisions are much easier.

A small incision is made in the neck, and dissection is carried out along the trachea and the esophagus. The artery and vein in the neck are simply pushed out of the way with a finger, and the spine is readily exposed.

There’s very little that needs to be moved out of the way while operating. Not everyone is a candidate for artificial spinal disk replacement.

Patients should have failed, at least a six-month treatment, such as pain medication, a back brace, or physical therapy.

Patients who have had some type of minor lower back surgery may still receive the artificial disc.

Artificial Spinal Disk Replacement — Hospital Stay and Recovery

Most people spend one or two nights in the hospital. Patients may require a stay of another day or two, if for some reason they’re having extra pain or an unexpected difficulty crops up.

Patients generally recover quickly, following an artificial spinal disc replacement and should be able to get out of bed and walk within a few days.

Spine Fusion Surgery vs Artificial Disc Replacement

There are several distinctions between spinal fusion and artificial disc replacement. Apart from the procedure and the results, there are significant differences in the recovery time, recovery extent, and many more.

The potential benefits of artificial disc replacement include retained mobility and limiting stress on the adjacent discs.

These must, however, be weighed against facts, such as, the implant wears out over a period of time and the unknown future of the mobile facet joints and various other possibilities.

In addition, the total disc replacement is designed to leave the disc space mobile to some degree but it must be clear that it does not replicate normal spinal motion. In fact, each implant design produces different motion patterns.

One of the complications of artificial disc replacement is the possibility of a collapse of the implant into the bone (subsidence), which may limit implant movement. Also, the implant may wear out eventually and require revision or conversion to a fusion.

Longer-term (10-20 years following surgery) studies from Europe indicate that wearing out of the artificial disc implant is uncommon. The low-cost spinal fusion abroad, on the other hand, is a procedure that works to stop the painful motion of the disc or facet joints, and this procedure stiffens the spine as a matter of necessity.

In spinal fusion, if the motion of the low back is severely limited due to pain pre-operatively, the overall clinical motion, following fusion can be similar or even better than before surgery if the pain is successfully relieved.

The most common complication in spinal fusion is postoperative wound infection, occurring in about 1-5% of cases.

The risk of a postoperative infection becomes higher when metallic fixation is used. The risk is also higher in diabetic and overweight patients.

Pain from the bone graft site in the pelvis, if used, is very common for the first 6 to 8 weeks following the surgery. Some amount of this pain may persist and become chronic in 15 to 30% of cases.

Cervical Disc Replacement vs Lumbar Disc Replacement

There are significant differences within artificial disc replacement procedure itself, between Cervical Disc Replacement and Lumbar Disc Replacement.

The major difference is that the operation used for the cervical disc is the same as for a cervical fusion, and revisions are much easier. There’s very little that needs to be moved out of the way while operating.

The small incision is made in the neck and dissection is carried out along the trachea and the esophagus, and the artery and vein in the neck simply pushed out of the way with a finger and the spine is readily exposed.

On the other hand, lumbar disc replacement surgeries are much more extensive, since surgeons approach the spine through the abdominal cavity.

They have to go around the intestinal area and move large veins out of the way, and usually a vascular surgeon will be present to carefully remove the large veins.

The operation used to place a lumbar disc is a rather major mission, and any required revision of a lumbar disc is a risky procedure. Also, the duration of the procedure is significantly different.

The anterior cervical approach is carried out as an out-patient operation; patients can go home the same day. While, the lumbar spine replacement surgery is an in-patient operation and the patients have to stay for two to three days.

The cervical spine is not load-bearing, like the lumbar spine. And for patients with a neuro-deficit or arm pain, as opposed to lower back pain, the need for surgery can be greater. In addition, the cervical discs are much smaller than those used in the lumbar region.

The designs of the discs are somewhat similar (including the materials used), but are used for very different diagnoses. Cervical disc replacements are used to treat the neck, while lumbar disc replacement is used mainly for back pain.

They are both a part of the spine, but the biomechanics, the loads, the shapes and sizes of the prosthesis, and what can be accommodated are completely different.

Low Cost Artificial Spinal Disk Replacement in India, Mexico and Spain

The use of an artificial disc to replace a damaged spinal disc that is generating chronic back pain has been practiced in a number of European and Asian countries for many years and is currently in various phases of development and clinical trials in the U.S.

For some patients suffering from spinal complications and damage in U.S. and U.K. artificial spinal disk replacement is usually very expensive. In such cases, patients can opt to go for artificial spinal disk replacement in countries like Mexico, India, and Spain.

The cost for artificial spinal disk replacement surgery in these countries comes at a fraction of the costs in U.S. and U.K. Medical Tourism Corporation’s network of hospitals can provide you artificial spinal disk replacement from 11,000 to 14,000 USD.

This package includes:

  • Hospital stay
  • Laboratory tests
  • Anesthesia
  • Operation theater fees
  • Doctors fees
  • Ride to and from the hospital
  • Ride to and from the recovery center
  • Medicines.

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