Here is our easy guide to kidney transplant in Turkey. Find the best hospitals with low costs. Know legal processes and travel for international patients right here!

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Cost of Kidney Transplant in Turkey

The cost of a kidney transplant in Turkey starts at USD $16,000, compared to over $400,000[1] in the US.

Below is a cost comparison of getting a kidney transplant in Turkey and other countries, along with waiting periods.

Cost Comparison
Country  Cost in USD Waiting Period
Turkey $16,000 No waiting period
Australia Almost $100,000[2] 2.2 years[3]
United States Over $400,000 3-5 years[4]
United Kingdom Approx $70,000[5] 2-3 years[6]
Canada $145,000[7] 2.5- 3 years[8]
*cost is subject to change case-on-case basis

In Turkey, the cost of kidney transplant includes:

  • Cost of consultation from primary team [Surgeon, Assistant Surgeon (if necessary), Anesthesiologist]
  • Stay for both patient and donor
  • Nursing and procedure-related medication
  • 5 sessions of dialysis
  • Procedure-related laboratory tests and radiology (Pre-op tests)
  • Medical equipment and supplies necessary for the procedure
  • Free of charge translating services
  • Free of charge Airport-Hotel-Hospital transfers

In Turkey, kidney transplant is legal only if the international patient gets their own donors from their families.

Read Kidney Transplant Abroad to learn details about donor legalities and the complete process for renal transplants in Turkey and other countries.

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Kidney Transplant in Turkey: Travel for International Patients

With the help of our medical advisors, international patients can access affordable and legal kidney transplant programs in Turkey.

Once the patient connects with our team, they are asked to share all initial medical reports with our advisors, who can guide them on the way forward.

Often, patients have other complications associated with kidney failure, such as heart disease, anaemia, etc. After assessing the reports, international patients are connected to the best hospital in Turkey that suits their needs.

Treatment Timeline: Renal Transplant in Turkey

In Turkey, international patients are required to stay for kidney transplant treatment upto 3-4 weeks.
Here is a chart showing the process and timeline:

Timeline and Process for Kidney Transplant in Turkey
Phase of Treatment  Duration Details 
Overall Patient visit 3-4 weeks Overall time overseas patients would spend in Turkey.
From pre-op tests to follow-up post-surgery
Patient main treatment 17 days (14 days in hospital room + 3 days in ICU) Prep for surgery + surgery+ recovery
Donor main treatment 10 days (7 days in hospital room + 3 days in ICU) Prep for surgery + surgery+ recovery
*subject to change as per case

Looking for a kidney transplant in India and wondering about the treatment timelines?

Read our blog, Kidney Transplant in India, for details.

Is Getting a Kidney Transplant in Turkey Legal?

Yes, It is legal to get a kidney transplant in Turkey. International patients must keep in mind to get a donor themselves.[9] The donor can be up to a 4th degree relative.

The Law in Turkey was established in 1979, and it shapes all dealings regarding organ procurement, preservation, and transplantation.

Here is the relationship degree for the type of donors in relatives:

Donor Type in Relation  Relatives 
1st Degree Relative
  • Parent
  • Sibling
  • Child
  • Spouse
2nd Degree Relative
  • Nephew/Niece
  • Aunt/Uncle
  • Grandparents
  • Half-sibling
3rd Degree Relative
  • 1st Cousin
  • Great-grandparent
  • Great-uncle/aunt
4th Degree Relative
  • Cousins
  • Other relatives

What Is the Success Rate of Kidney Transplants in Turkey?

The success rate of kidney transplants in Turkey is 94%.[10]

As per research, 1-year renal graft survival was 94%, 96% for living-donors, and 86% for deceased-donor renal transplants.

Overview of Kidney Transplant

Kidneys filter waste and maintain blood pressure in the human body. Diseases like diabetes, obesity, or heart conditions can lead to kidney failure. When kidneys fail, they cannot properly remove waste, leading to serious health issues or even death.

When renal function declines to about 85-90%[11], symptoms like blood in urine, vomiting, and fatigue emerge, signalling the need for immediate treatment.

Need for Kidney Transplant

Dialysis, which mimics kidney function, is the initial treatment doctors recommend, which can sustain patients for a long time. If dialysis does not work and kidney function further deteriorates, a kidney transplant becomes an essential consideration.

A 2021 study by NCBI found that dialysis in the US costs over USD$98,000[12] per person. Considering the expense and discomfort, doctors often suggest a kidney transplant as the ideal treatment for kidney failure.

Types of Donors for Kidney Transplant

There are two types of kidney donors: living and non-living (or cadaver donors).

Living donors choose to donate one of their kidneys. Non-living donors are those who have allowed organs to be taken from their bodies when they die. Both types can be successful transplants.

For kidney transplantation, the donor and the recipient must have similar chemical characteristics called antigens. Else, the recipient’s immune system will reject the new kidney.

Procedure: Kidney Transplant Abroad

The Kidney Transplant procedure requires the new kidney to be placed on the lower right or left side of the abdomen, which is connected to adjacent blood vessels. This positioning helps to connect the new kidney easily to the blood vessels and the bladder. The new kidney’s ureter is attached to the bladder to allow urine to pass out of the body.

The diseased kidneys are not removed, except in these cases:

Repeated infection that could affect the transplanted kidney
Uncontrollable hypertension brought on by the original kidneys
Backflow of urine into the kidneys

Ways To Perform a Kidney Transplant Procedure

The kidney transplant surgery can be done in different ways:

Open Surgery: The surgeon operates conventionally.
Laparoscopic Surgery: The surgeon operates using a laparoscope more effectively.
Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopy: The surgeon operates on the patient remotely with the assistance of a robot.

90% of kidney transplant operations are done through laparoscopic surgery. If the patient is younger and more healthy, doctors recommend robotic-assisted laparoscopy.

Who Is a Candidate for Kidney Transplant

Anyone with end-stage renal disease is considered a candidate for a kidney transplant.

However, other criteria must also be met, such as no active infections, cancer, or severe circulatory problems involving the heart, brain, or major blood vessels.

You must also be willing to take medication for the rest of your life to prevent your body from rejecting the new kidney.

How long does recovery take after Kidney Transplant?

After a kidney transplant, people recover at different speeds. People can return to day-to-day lives in about 2-3 months[13]. As time passes, you will need fewer clinic visits. After 3-6 months, rejection risk drops, and medication decreases.

To recover faster, follow doctors’ instructions and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Risks associated with Kidney Transplant

Infections: The body is weakened due to immunosuppressants.
Rejection: Possible due to blood clots or early kidney disease recurrence.
Cardiac issues: Risk of heart attack due to blood supply blockage
Delayed graft function: A new kidney may take time to function properly, especially from deceased donors.
High Blood Cholesterol
Liver Damage

Best Hospitals for Kidney Transplant in Turkey

Best Surgeon for Kidney Transplant in Turkey

Photo of a doctor
Prof. Abuzer Dirican

29 years

MD Ph. D


General Surgery


SSK Ankara Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Turkey

  • Short-term scientist at National Cancer Institute, US
  • Scholarship Research at National Cancer Institute - Surgical Oncology
  • License in Faculty of Economics
Photo of a doctor
Prof. Bülent ÜNAL

28 years

MD, Ph.D


General Surgery


Ankara Numune Training And Research Hospital, Turkey

  • Short-term scientist at National Cancer Institute, US
  • Trained in Transplantation and Oncology Surgery at University of Giessen-Marburg, Germany
  • Head of General Surgery-Surgical Oncology Department


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Remember safe, legal, and best-in-class kidney transplant program is just a call away!

A healthier you awaits you, so contact us and know all your options today!

Is Kidney Transplant in Turkey Safe?

Getting a Kidney Transplant in Turkey is safe. With success rates ranging between 94% to 96%, international patients are choosing Turkey as a destination for kidney transplant programs.


Life expectancy after a kidney transplant can range from 15 to 25 years. The healthier the lifestyle of the person post-surgery, the better the life expectancy.

VM Medical Park Florya Hospital in Istanbul, Turkey, is one of the best hospitals to get a quality and affordable kidney transplant.

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