Feeling self-conscious about your smile? With Invisalign in Chandigarh, you can straighten your teeth and save up to 72% compared to the US prices.

Discover details about costs, top clinics, all-inclusive packages, and dentists to unlock your dream smile.

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Invisalign in Chandigarh

Real Patient Reviews After Invisalign in Chandigarh, India

Read stories from our patients who have undergone Invisalign treatment to see how it has helped boost their confidence.

How Much Is Invisalign in Chandigarh?

Invisalign cost in Chandigarh can range from INR 1,60,000 to 2,90,000 ($1,910 to $3,470) primarily depending on:

  • The case complexity
  • Dentist recommendations
  • The type of package
  • Treatment duration

The Lite package is INR 1,60,000 ($1,910) and  includes 14 sets of trays. The Moderate package costs INR 2,10,000 ($2510) and includes 26 sets of trays.

Contrarily, the same costs INR 5,84,000 ($7,000) in the US/Canada. This helps you save up to 72%.

Additionally, metal braces in Chandigarh cost INR 40,000 ($480) per jaw. The same in the US/Canada costs INR 4,12,000 ($4,930), helping you achieve savings up to 90%.

Refer to the table below for a detailed cost analysis.

Invisalign Cost in Chandigarh vs USA (in USD)
Invisalign Chandigarh US Savings
Clear/Invisible Braces (Lite (14 sets)) $1,910 $7,000 72%
Clear/Invisible Braces (Moderate (26 sets)) $2,510 $7,000 58%
Metal Braces $480 $4,930 90%
*Prices are case-dependent.
Dental Braces Cost in Chandigarh (in USD)
Types of Braces Cost ($)
Metal braces $475
3M/Ormco Metal braces $600
Ceramic braces $655
3M/Ormco Ceramic braces $835
Metal self-ligating $715
Ceramic self-ligating $955
*Prices are case-dependent.

Invisalign cost in Chandigarh can range from INR 1,60,000 to 2,90,000 (£1,530 to £2,740) primarily depending on:

  • The case complexity
  • Dentist recommendations
  • The type of package
  • Treatment duration

The Lite package is INR 1,60,000 (£1,530) and  includes 14 sets of trays. The Moderate package costs INR 2,10,000 ($1,985) and includes 26 sets of trays.

Contrarily, the same costs INR 4,66,000 (£4,403) in the UK. This helps you save up to 65%.

Invisalign prices may vary with case complexity, treatment duration, aligner quantity, and brand.

Additionally, metal braces in Chandigarh cost INR 40,000 (£380) per jaw. The same in the UK costs INR 2,73,000 (£2,580), helping you achieve savings up to 85%.

Refer to the table below for a detailed cost analysis.

Invisalign Cost in Chandigarh vs UK (in Pounds)
Invisalign Chandigarh UK Savings
Clear/Invisible Braces (Lite (14 sets)) £1,530 £4,400 65%
Clear/Invisible Braces (Moderate (26 sets)) £2,010 £4,400 54%
Metal Braces £380 £2,580 85%
*Prices are case-dependent.
Dental Braces Cost in Chandigarh (in Pounds)
Types of Braces Cost(£)
Metal braces £380
3M/Ormco Metal braces £480
Ceramic braces £525
3M/Ormco Ceramic braces £670
Metal self-ligating £665
Ceramic self-ligating £765
*Prices are case-dependent.

Invisalign cost in Chandigarh can range from INR 1,60,000 to 2,90,000 (A$2,910 to A$5,200) primarily depending on:

  • The case complexity
  • Dentist recommendations
  • The type of package
  • Treatment duration

The Lite package is INR 1,60,000 (A$2,910) and  includes 14 sets of trays. The Moderate package costs INR 2,10,000 ($3,770) and includes 26 sets of trays.

Contrarily, the same costs INR 4,66,000 (A$6,000) in the Australia. This helps you save up to 57%.

Invisalign prices may vary with case complexity, treatment duration, clinic location, aligner quantity, and brand.

Additionally, metal braces in Chandigarh cost INR 40,000 (A$730) per jaw. The same in Australia costs INR 2,80,000 (A$5,000), helping you save up to 85%.

Refer to the table below for a detailed cost analysis.

Invisalign Cost in Chandigarh vs Australia (in AUD)
Invisalign Chandigarh Australia Savings
Clear/Invisible Braces (Lite (14 sets)) A$2,910 A$6,000 51%
Clear/Invisible Braces (Moderate (26 sets)) A$3,822 A$9,000 57%
Metal Braces A$730 A$5,000 85%
*Prices are case-dependent.
Types of Braces Cost (A$)
Metal braces A$475
3M/Ormco Metal braces A$600
Ceramic braces A$655
3M/Ormco Ceramic braces A$835
Metal self-ligating A$715
Ceramic self-ligating A$955
*Prices are case-dependent.

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If you're looking for affordable, high-quality dentistry, explore the range of procedures available in Chandigarh below.

Why Choose Invisalign Treatment in Chandigarh?

With Invisalign in Chandigarh, you can save up to 72% compared to prices in the US.

Our partner clinic has the latest technology to provide the best care.

Our partner clinic has skilled dentists with over two decades of experience.

You can find everything from implants to dental crowns and veneers in one place.

Best Dental Clinic in Chandigarh for Invisalign

Your smile deserves top-notch care. That's why we've compiled a list of the premier dental centers in Chandigarh for you below.

Best Dentist in Chandigarh for Invisalign

Meet our expert in Chandigarh, who is dedicated to giving you the best care for your smile.

Dr. Renu Datta
Dr. Renu Datta

27 Years

MDS Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics


Aligners, Dental braces, Invisalign


Post Graduate Institute Of Medical Sciences, Chandigarh

  • Certified Invisalign provider.
  • Scientific publications in various indexed journals.
  • Member of the Indian Orthodontic Society.
  • Professor & Head at Sri Sukhmani dental college and hospital.

With the best orthodontist in Chandigarh, don't worry you will be in good hands.

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Trust our certified expert to craft your smile

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Invisalign Procedure in Chandigarh

Invisalign is a nearly invisible, removable appliance that doesn't hide your smile and helps to straighten crooked teeth. Read on to understand if they are the right fit for you.

Invisalign in Chandigarh

Invisalign Treatment

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a modern way to straighten your mildly crooked teeth discreetly without anyone knowing you're wearing them.

It employs transparent aligners instead of traditional metal wires and brackets, making it nearly invisible. Thus, you can improve your smile without compromising your looks and day-to-day activities.

It's a comfortable and aesthetic option for orthodontic treatment for adults and teens who want to fix their smiles without metal braces.[1]

Who Can Get Invisalign?

You can get Invisalign if you have the following bite problems:

  • Crowded teeth: Teeth appear twisted or clustered due to limited space.
  • Overbite: Excessive overlap of upper teeth over lower teeth.
  • Crossbite: Misaligned jaw causing upper teeth to bite inside lower teeth.
  • Gap teeth: Spacing issues between the teeth.
  • Open bite: Upper and lower teeth are unable to interlock, leading to chewing difficulties.

Source: Everyday Health[2]

How Does Invisalign Treatment Work?

You can share your treatment records and x-rays. An online consultation can be scheduled to identify patient needs and treatment goals. Your visit can be planned based on the video consultation.

This initial visit to Chandigarh must be planned for a minimum duration of 1-1.5 months. This involves consultation, examination, treatment planning and aligner creation.

  • During the consultation with your orthodontist, a thorough examination is carried out.
  • Subsequently, a 3D image of your mouth will be recorded to assess your dental structure. 
  • Using specialized software, the dentist will create a personalized plan to guide the movement of your teeth into the required positions.
  • Tiny buttons called Invisalign SmartForce attachments, if required, will be placed on the teeth at this visit itself.

Switch to the next tab to know more.

  • You will get a series of aligners, each set slightly different from the last, to facilitate progressive tooth movement.
  • All the sets of clear aligner trays are delivered to the clinic in approximately 20 days.
  • These aligners are customized to fit your teeth snugly and are almost invisible during wear.
  • They exert gentle pressure to move your teeth into their intended positions gradually.

Click on the treatment process tab to understand the next step.

  • You can travel back to your home country for the treatment process. 
  • Typically, you will transition to a new set of aligners every two weeks
  • Your dentist can monitor the tooth movement over a video consultation .
  • For optimal results, wearing the aligners for up to 22 hours daily is essential.

Continue reading to discover the benefits of Invisalign in Chandigarh.

Source: Healthline[3]

Benefits of Invisalign

  • Aesthetics: They are almost invisible, thus hard to notice, and do not interfere with your confidence. 
  • Patient comfort: The aligners are trimmed to fit your gums and don't hurt sensitive tissues.
  • Easy to remove: You can remove them for eating, brushing, and flossing.
  • Fewer emergencies: You're less likely to have sudden dental problems like broken wires or brackets.
  • Eat what you want: Unlike braces, Invisalign allows wearers to enjoy chewy foods since they can easily remove the trays for eating.

Source: Everyday Health [4]

What Are the Risks of Invisalign?

Drawbacks of Invisalign include:

  • Best for mild to moderate cases: Invisalign is suitable only for mild to moderate teeth misalignment, not severe cases.
  • Consistency required: To get the best results quickly, wear the trays for atleast 20 to 22 hours daily.
  • Regular checkups: Invisalign is more costly than other clear aligner brands because it needs frequent in-person dental visits.
  • Higher cost than braces: Invisalign is a bit pricier than traditional braces and much more expensive than other clear aligner brands.
  • Staining risk: Beverages like coffee, tea, and soda can stain the trays and attachments, so it's best to limit them during treatment.
  • Frequent brushing: Unlike braces wearers, Invisalign users must brush their teeth after every meal before placing the aligners back in.
  • Attachments: While Invisalign is less invasive than braces, some cases require attachments glued onto the teeth with dental adhesive.

Source: Healthline[5]

How Long Does Invisalign Take To Straighten Teeth?

Invisalign treatment usually lasts from 3 to 18 months. However, this timeline varies depending on factors like the complexity of your case and your treatment plan.

For a more precise estimate, it's best to consult with a qualified orthodontist who can assess your situation.

Source: Everyday Health[6]

What Is the Success Rate of Invisalign in Chandigarh?

Clear aligner therapy boasts an 80–90% success rate for mild to moderate tooth movements. It provides an effective alternative to traditional braces.

Nonetheless, it's essential to recognize that individual cases may vary in success rate.

Source: PubMed[7]

Is Invisalign Treatment in Chandigarh Painful?

Patients treated with Invisalign experience lower pain levels than those with traditional fixed braces. Aligners cause less irritation than braces.

They also apply gentler force, reducing discomfort during treatment for mild to moderate misalignment.

However, this difference is particularly noticeable during the initial days of treatment. But over time, these differences tend to diminish.

Source: Springer Nature[8]

How To Take Care of Invisalign Aligners During Treatment?

The following are some best practices for caring for your aligners and keeping them clean and bacteria-free.

  • Always remove your aligners before eating to prevent food lodgment or damaging the aligners' effectiveness.
  • Refrain from consuming anything other than water while wearing your aligners to prevent staining or damage.
  • Use lukewarm water, not hot water, to clean the trays to avoid damaging them.
  • Store your aligners in an airtight container whenever you're not wearing them to minimize the risk of loss and protect them from bacteria.

Source: Healthline[9]

How To Clean Aligners?

The basic nightly cleaning process for Invisalign involves:

  • Rinse your aligners with water every night.
  • Clean your aligners using a soft toothbrush and clear liquid soap to remove debris or food particles.
  • Rinse the aligners thoroughly after brushing.
  • Store your aligners in a protective case when not in use.

Source: Healthline[10]

How Many Hours in a Day Do I Need To Wear My Invisalign Aligners?

Clear aligners should be worn for at least 22 hours a day or as directed by your dentist to ensure optimal outcomes. Not wearing them as prescribed can prolong the treatment duration or lead to unsuccessful outcomes.

Source: PubMed[11]

Should I Sleep With My Invisalign On?

Wearing your Invisalign aligners while sleeping is recommended as part of the 22-hour daily wear time.

It helps ensure treatment efficacy and maintains progressive alignment of your teeth.

Invisalign vs Braces

What Is Better, Braces or Invisalign?

A dentist or orthodontist can evaluate which treatment best fits a patient's specific orthodontic needs.

Here are the key differences between braces and Invisalign:

Aspect Invisalign Traditional Braces
Aesthetics Transparent, hence more acceptable aesthetically Ceramic braces are more acceptable aesthetically as compared to metal braces
Removability Removable during eating, brushing, and flossing Fixed on teeth throughout treatment
Dietary Restrictions No restrictions Certain foods may need to be avoided
Comfort Generally, there is less discomfort Discomfort may be experienced initially
Precision Precision of tooth movement programmed in each aligner Limited precision
Duration Minimum 6-8months Minimum about 12 months

Source: ForbesHealth[12]



Dental Braces

Dental Braces

Is It Safe To Get Invisalign in Chandigarh?

Yes, receiving Invisalign in Chandigarh can be safe and beneficial with thorough research. We only partner with esteemed dental clinics staffed by highly skilled and experienced dentists. With over two decades of experience, you are in capable hands.

Why Chandigarh?

  • Direct international flights from Dubai and Sharjah are available.
  • For travel from other cities across the world, you can plan your journey via Delhi, Mumbai, or Bengaluru international airports.
  • Several airlines operate flights to Chandigarh from major cities like Bengaluru, Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Srinagar, Ahmedabad, Kullu, Indore and Dharamsala.
  • The cost of living in Chandigarh is lower than in Mumbai, Bengaluru, and Delhi.
  • Hotels in Chandigarh are more affordable and cater to various budgets.
Budget for Invisalign in Chandigarh
Cost of Invisalign in Chandigarh Chandigarh USA Savings
Consultation Free $200 (INR 16,700) $200 (INR 17,000)
Invisalign treatment $1,910 to $3,470 $3,000 to $7,000 (INR 2,50,000 to 5,82,000) $1,090 to $3,530 (INR 91,000 to 2,95,000)
Travel to Chandigarh $740 (INR 61,600) onwards ---- -$740 (INR 62,000)
Stay per month $170 (INR 14,000) onwards $1200 (INR 1,00,000) onwards $1,030 (INR 86,000)
Food and other expenses $340 (INR 28,365) $1,200 (INR 1,00,000) $860 (INR 72000)
Total Expenses $3,160 (INR 2,63,000) Onwards $5,600 (INR 4,66,000) Onwards $2,440 (INR 2,00,000) Onwards

Source: Forbes[13] Numbeo[14]


Experience Invisalign in Chandigarh, where you can get the premium treatment you deserve while saving up to 72% compared to US prices.

With world-class brands and certified dentists, rest assured you’re in capable hands. Contact us today to explore this dental paradise and get your FREE consultation.


Chandigarh is a top choice for Invisalign and can help you save up to 72% compared to the US, UK, or Australia.

It offers the best clinics with the latest technology and skilled dentists with over 20 years of experience. Thus, you get the high-quality and safe care you deserve.

Invisalign cost in Chandigarh can range from $1,910 to $3,470 (£1,530 to £2,740) depending on the type of package you choose.

Invisalign cost in Chandigarh is INR 1,60,000($1,910 or £1,530) for the Lite package that includes 14 sets of trays. While the same costs $7,000 in the US. This helps you save up to 72%.

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