Say goodbye to wigs and hats! Elevate your confidence to new heights with hair transplant in Mexico. Save up to 76% on treatment that meets US quality standards. Learn more about the costs and the procedure by reading this comprehensive article.

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US Patient Reviews His Hair Transplant Surgery in Mexico

About 85% men go bald as they reach the age 50 or earlier. Around 80% of women notice hair loss by the age 60.[1] [2] Fortunately, hair transplants in Mexico can help you attain voluminous hair. Don’t just take our word for it.

Look at the amazing transformations in some patients who have had hair transplant in Mexico.

Hair Transplant in Mexico Reviews

Hair replacement Mexico does more than adding volume. It can restore hair on injured scalps.

Here are the before and after images.

Before & After Hair Transplant in Mexico

Still unsure? Check out the testimonials for a glimpse of the exceptional care you can expect in Mexico.

Worried about the cost? Don't be!

Hair transplant surgery cost in Mexico is reasonable. See for yourself as you scroll down.

How Much Does Hair Transplant Cost in Mexico?

The average cost of hair transplant in Mexico ranges between $4,500 and $7,200. Note that hair transplant cost in Mexico is far lower than in the US or Canada.

You can save up to 76% by getting hair transplant in Mexico. For instance, you will have to pay $4,500 for an FUT transplant in Mexico.

The same would cost you around $15,000 in the US. On the other hand, a FUE hair transplant Mexico costs you $5,400.

This saves nearly 73% compared to the $20,000 price in the US. Here we tabulated the prices for an easier understanding.

Hair Transplant Cost Mexico vs. US
Procedure US Mexico Savings
FUT $15,000 $4,500 70%
FUE $20,000 $5,400 73%
FUE+FUT $30,000 $7,200 76%
#Prices may vary depending on the case

Your dream hair awaits! Imagine a future where every strand shines with beauty and confidence.

Payment Methods

Wondering how to pay for a cheap hair transplant in Mexico? Our partner clinic in Mexico accepts the following payment methods:

  • Cash
  • Credit and debit cards
  • Online transactions
  • Financing for hair transplant in Mexico with SuperMoney.

Mexico Hair Transplant Packages

On top of all-inclusive prices, you can avail numerous other benefits with hair replacement Mexico.

Explore all the benefits that hair restoration Mexico offers you.

Get hair transplant for ~76% less!

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Why Choose Hair Transplant Surgery in Mexico?

The cheapest hair transplant in Mexico offers life-changing results with the following benefits:

Massive Savings

Premier Hospital

  • Our partner clinic in Mexico has been in buisiness for 16 years.
  • You will receive top-quality treatment and follow-up care as well.

Qualified Doctors

  • Skilled doctors at our partner clinic have over 20+ years of experience.
  • They are members of prestigious organizations like ISHRS and the World Institute of FUE.

Advanced Technology

  • Our partner clinic uses state-of-the-art technology.
  • They have the latest instruments like WAW and MAMBA, ensuring quality graft extraction.

Benefits of Choosing Hair Transplant in Mexico

Benefits of Choosing Hair Transplant in Mexico

Convenient To Reach

  • Our partner clinic in Tijuana is close to the airport and the US- Mexico border.
  • In addition, our partner clinic offers free airport transport for your convenience.

Multilingual Staff

  • The doctors at our partner clinic speak English and Spanish.
  • So, you don’t have to worry about communication here at our partner clinic.


  • You can stay at the clinic’s recommended hotel for FREE on the day of your transplant.
  • Further, you can enjoy complimentary Wi-Fi, phone calls, and airport transport.


  • Enjoy a refreshing vacation while on your hair transplant trip to Tijuana, Mexico.

Let’s learn more about the best hair transplant clinic in Mexico.

Top Hospital for the Best Hair Transplant in Mexico

MTC's partner, Neopel Clinic, is the top clinic for hair restoration in Mexico.

Note that qualified doctors will carry out your hair transplantation in Mexico. Technicians and other staff are only to assist with the procedure.

Now, let’s learn about the artisans who gift voluminous hair.

Meet the Best Hair Transplant Doctor in Mexico

Here are the top doctors who perform your hair medical restoration Tijuana, Mexico.

Dr. Ana Gabriela Hernandez Amaya
Dr. Ana Gabriela Hernandez Amaya

18+ years



FUE and FUT Hair Transplantation


Autonomous University of Baja California, Ensenada

  • Member of ISHRS and Latin American FUE Workshop
Dr. Miguel Angel Allessandrini Perez
Dr. Miguel Angel Alessandrini Perez

20+ years


Hair Transplantion


Autonomous University of Baja California, Ensenada

  • Member of World Institute of FUE and Ibero Latin American Hair Transplant Society

The best hair transplant doctors in Mexico stay updated with the latest trends. They participate actively in the ISHRS Annual Congress. Besides, they are bilingual and can speak English fluently.

Begin your hair perfection journey by reaching out to our English-speaking hair transplant wizards.

Now, let's dive deeper into hair transplant in Mexico in detail.

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Hair Restoration Mexico: Everything You Need To Know

Are you noticing excessive fallen hair on your clothes, in drains, and around your home?

Note that losing 50-100 hair strands in a day is normal.[3]

However, it’s a concern if you're losing more.

Fortunately, a hair transplant in Mexico can address hair loss issues.

Hair follicular units or grafts, are small scalp sections with 1-2 hair strands picked from healthy donor areas.

The donor is the patient himself. Hair from the lower portion of the scalp is removed and placed in the area where it is needed.

Hair Loss

Hair Loss

They are transplanted into thinning receptor areas.[4] The results are natural-looking and long-lasting for both men and women.

Thanks to the advanced technology, the harvesting leaves minimal or no scars.[5] Therefore, the harvested scar is undetectable to the naked eye.

Scalp Area With Thinning Hair

Scalp Area With Thinning Hair

Hair Transplantation

Hair Transplantation

Voluminous Hair With No Scar

Voluminous Hair With No Scar

Now, let's explore the causes of hair loss.

Causes for Excessive and Unusual Hair Loss

Below are the general causes for receding hairline and a widening part:

  • Scalp infection
  •  Psoriasis
  • Cancer treatment like radiation or chemotherapy
  • Hair follicle growth slowing down and stopping with age
  • Childbirth, stress, or recovering from chronic illness
  • Hormonal imbalance like thyroid (hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism), PCOS, or menopause
  • Genetic reasons also called androgenic alopecia or pattern baldness
  • Alopecia areata, where the body's immune system attacks the hair follicles
  • Deficiency of vitamins and minerals like biotin, zinc, iron, or proteins in diet

Source: Medical News Today[6]

Hair loss after Cancer Treatment

Hair Loss After Cancer Treatment

Scalp Infection

Scalp Infection

Alopecia Aereata

Alopecia Aereata

Now, let’s understand the various stages of pattern hair loss.

Hair Loss Stages: The Norwood’s Scale

Hair transplant experts at our partner clinics use scientific classification to understand your pattern hair loss.

They use the Norwood classification scale, the most accepted method.[7] Here are the various stages of hair loss:[8]

  • 1- Stage: No significant hair loss
  • 2- Stage: Slightly receding hairline around temples
  • 3- Stage: Deeply receding hairline around temples. It appears M, U, or V-shaped
  • 4- Stage: Severe than stage 3 with sparse or no hair on vertex
  • 5- Stage: Dominating hair loss areas with sparse or a narrow band of hair between them
  • 6- Stage: Deepened bald spots around temples join with the bald area on the vertex
  • 7- Stage: Severe stage with thin, narrow band remaining on sides

Norwood Classification Scale for pattern hair loss

Norwood Classification Scale

Worried about identifying your hair loss stage? Fret not!

Our partner clinic has the best hair transplant doctor in Mexico. They physically examine and evaluate you.

Now let's learn if you are the right candidate for a hair transplant in Mexico.

Who Is the Candidate for the Best Mexico Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant in Mexico is beneficial for individuals with:

  • Pattern baldness
  • Realistic expectations
  • Thin hair and receding hairline
  • Partial hair loss due to burns, injury, or trauma

Source: Healthline[9] Better Health Channel[10]

Keep in mind that hair transplant Mexico is not suitable for individuals:

  • Under 25 years of age
  • With scanty donor sites
  • Underwent chemotherapy
  • Suffering from Alopecia areata
  • With thick, fibrous scars after injury

Male Pattern Baldness

Male Pattern Baldness

Source: Healthline[11] NCBI [12]

Curious about the process of the best hair transplant in Mexico? Keep scrolling to find out!

Hair Transplant in Mexico: A Comprehensive Overview

The best hair transplant doctor in Mexico will perform your transplant in a state-of-the-art surgical suite.

On average, your hair transplant in Mexico can take 6-8 hours. The doctor will use tools like a punch or a scalpel for this.

Note that you will be under local anesthesia during the procedure. It means that you will be awake and fully conscious throughout the transplant procedure.

The doctors at our partner clinics use FUE and FUT techniques for hair replacement Mexico.

Check out the table below to understand the details of FUT and FUE in Mexico

Hair Transplant in Mexico: FUT vs. FUE
FUT Hair Transplant Mexico FUE Hair Transplant Mexico
Follicular unit transplantation (FUT), also called the strip method Follicular unit extraction (FUE), also called no stitch, no cut method
The doctor will cut a thin skin layer strip from the donor area to harvest healthy, intact hair follicles The doctor will harvest individual hair follicles directly from the donor area using small punches
A linear scar develops on the donor area Small round dots develop on the donor area
Donor site healing takes longer Less healing time
Consumes less time Time-consuming process
Relatively lower transection rate* Relatively higher transection rate*
*Transection rate is the % of hair follicles damaged during extraction

Source: Springer Link[13]

FUT Vs. FUE | Mexico

FUE Vs. FUT in Mexico

Have trouble deciding between both? Worry not.

Each hair transplant procedure is unique and tailored to your needs. The best hair transplant doctor in Mexico will help you choose the right one for your needs.

This is based on the initial consultation. Now, let’s dive into the specifics of the initial consultation.


During your first consultation:

  • You’ll present your hair loss and aesthetic concerns to the hair transplant expert
  • The doctor will physically examine your hair loss and growth patterns

Remember to discuss the following:[14]

  • Your familial hair loss history
  • Any prior anesthesia experience
  • Possible risks and complications of hair transplant
  • Your overall health, medical history along with specific medicine usage (if any)

The success of your hair transplant in Mexico depends on following the right tips before and after the procedure.

Tips To Follow Before Hair Transplant in Mexico

Note that your hair will be trimmed short before the hair transplant procedure.

Besides, you will have to mend your lifestyle for the best hair transplant in Tijuana, Mexico results.[15]

  • Get routine blood and ECG tests done.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption at least 7 days before transplant.
  • Massage your scalp for 10-30 min daily for at least a few weeks before transplant.
  • Contact your primary care physician to discuss the avoidance of blood thinners, vitamin supplements, and antiplatelet medications (such as aspirin) and the timing for avoidance with respect to the transplant timing.

Avoid Smoking

Avoid Smoking

Regular Blood Tests

Regular Blood Tests

Avoid Supplements

Avoid Supplements

Supplements like

  • Vitamin E
  • Ginkgo
  • Ginseng
  • Kava
  • Valerian
  • Echinacea
  • Ephedra
  • Feverfew

are the ones that also have effects of blood coagulation, and for this reason, they should be on hold 2 weeks before surgery. Others, like vitamin D, b12, or iron, do not need to be avoided.

-Dr Valentina Milani

Now, let’s learn about aftercare to help you prepare beforehand.

What To Expect After Hair Transplant Mexico?

You may experience slight discomfort or pain as the anesthesia wears off. Use painkillers to help with this.

Additionally, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medicine.

Here are a few points to keep in mind after surgery. You may:

  • Start exercising after 3 weeks.
  • Return to work after several days post-surgery.

Note that the hair growth starts after 4 months post-surgery. You will experience the full-fledged, permanent results during or after the 10th month after the procedure.

Source: Healthline[16]

Aftercare Tips To Follow

While at home, remember that you:[17]

  • Do not comb or brush your new hair for 3 weeks.
  • Do not wash your hair for at least 3 days after surgery.
  • Do not use hats or clothing to cover your scalp early after surgery.
  • Once you start washing your hair, stick to gentle and unscented shampoos.

Do not Comb

Do Not Use Comb

Do not wear hats

Do Not Wear Hats

Use unscented shampoos

Use Gentle Shampoo

After a hair transplant, it's recommended to sleep on your back on an incline for the first 10 days, then on your side from days 10 to 14, avoiding putting pressure on the transplanted area. After day 14, you can sleep in any position.

-Dr Valentina Milani

Don’t Panic. Stay Calm!

You may shed some original hair where new hair follicles are transplanted. It is called shock loss which is temporary and completely normal.[18]

Are There Any Complications After a Hair Transplant?

Although rare, hair transplant in Mexico has minor side effects. They are:[19]

  • Itching
  • Bleeding
  • Scalp swelling
  • Bruises around eyes
  • Inflammation or infection of hair follicles (folliculitis)

"Are hair transplants in Mexico safe?" If you're asking this question, we have the answers you need.

Keep reading for more information.

Is It Safe To Get a Hair Transplant in Mexico?

The safety of hair transplant in Mexico depends on the hair transplant doctor and surgery center you choose.

MTC partner Neopel Clinic in Mexico is the best place for hair transplant in Mexico. The doctors here are highly skilled. They:

  • Have over 20+ years of experience
  • Performed over 2000+ successful hair transplant surgeries
  • Are members of ISHRS and the World Institute of FUE

Further, they use the latest equipment, like the WAW system and MAMBA machine.

This allows careful selection and extraction of viable hair follicles. Furthermore, the clinic allows technicians and nurses to assist with the procedure only.

Dr. Miguel will extract the implants and Dr. Hernandez will implant the hair follicles on the receptor site.

It is done under highly sterile conditions with utmost safety precautions. So, you are in a safe hands here at our partner clinic in Mexico.

Ready to plan your trip for a hair transplant in Mexico? Let's dive into the travel details.

Complete Travel Guide to Mexico for a Hair Transplant

Tijuana, Mexico offers great tourism experience with its blend of culture and exquisite cuisine.
A memorable trip in Tijuana

Playa de Tijuana, Mexico

Knowing the visa and passport requirements before planning your trip can avoid last-minute hassles.

The good news is that Mexico holds visa exemption for:

  • Americans
  • Canadians
  • Australians
  • Citizens of some European countries like the UK, France, and Germany

Note that the list doesn’t end here. Check out what applies to your nationality by clicking here.

If you are a citizen from one of the visa-exempted nations, you may stay for up to 180 days. However, you will need a passport with more than 6 months validity.

In addition, obtain FMM at the airport or entry port. You will be asked to produce it while departing from Mexico.

So keep it safe during your stay! Remember, you need to show hotel reservation proofs and return tickets at the entry port.

Source: Relaciones Exteriores[20]

Tijuana, Mexico

Tijuana, Mexico

Curious about Tijuana travel details? Keep scrolling further for more information.

Neopel Clinic in Mexico is conveniently situated near the US-Mexican border in Tijuana.

The clinic is just 3.1 miles from Ready Lane San Ysidro Mex Border Crossing Station. It would take 11 minutes to drive to the clinic from here.

Drive time between Clinic and US cities
City Distance Driving time
San Diego 19.2 miles 23 min
Los Angeles 137 miles 2 hr 8 min
Las Vegas 347 miles 5 hr 20 min
San Jose (California) 476 miles 7 hr 39 min
#Driving times are approximate and may differ.

Alternatively, you can fly to Tijuana International Airport (IATA: TIJ), just 5 miles from Neopel Clinic.

The clinic offers complimentary transport for a 15-minute drive from the airport. Tijuana International Airport has flight connections to many major US cities.

Flying time from major US airports and TIJ
City (IATA code) Flying time
Dallas (DFW) 8 hr 40 min (one stop)
Chicago (ORD) 9 hr 56 min (one stop)
Washington (BWI) 15 hr 46 min (two stops)
Canada (YYZ) 12 hr 25 min (one stop)
#Flying times are approximate and may differ.

While you are here, take a moment to admire the Tijuana Arch. Make sure you explore the Tijuana Cultural Center.

It's a cultural hotspot with theater, art gallery, IMAX, Cinetheque, bookstore, aquarium, lectures, and even cafes. And don't miss out on the wax artworks at the Museo de Cera Tijuana.

Tijuana Arch

Tijuana Arch

Tijuana Cultural Center

Tijuana Cultural Center

Mexican dishes are famous for their authentic flavors and indigenous spices. While in Tijuana, feast your taste buds with the traditional Mexican dishes.



Mexican Tacos





Choosing Mexico for a hair transplant is a good option. It offers several advantages. You can save up to 76% while getting treated by Mexico's top hair transplant doctors.

Hair transplant in Mexico prices are affordable. Plus they include a one-night hotel stay and airport transport.

In addition, you will experience excellent results as the doctors use advanced and highly precise technology.

Additionally, the doctors are fluent in English, so you can easily convey your aesthetic concerns.

MTC’s partner, Neopel Clinic, offers the best hair transplant in Mexico. The clinic offers minimally invasive hair transplant surgeries.

You can expect definite results as the clinic delivered satisfactory results to nearly 2000+ patients.

The average cost of hair transplant surgery in Mexico varies depending on the procedure.

For example, an FUT costs $4,500, and an FUE costs $5,400 in Mexico. Hair transplant in Mexico cost is quite reasonable.

You can save up to 76% on hair transplant cost Tijuana, Mexico.

You will be administered local anesthesia for a hair transplant in Mexico.

The pain and discomfort are minimal and tolerable. After transplant surgery, you will be prescribed pain medication.

The hair grafts will be harvested from the patient's scalp to prevent graft rejection and transplant failure.


A hair transplant in Mexico will help you achieve your dream look without burning a hole in your pocket.

You'll receive treatment at a top hospital under the care of experienced doctors. In addition, you'll enjoy a complimentary hotel stay and transportation as part of the package.

Why hesitate when you can have the best of it all? Flaunt your new hair with confidence. It's time to shine.

Revive your hairline in Mexico!

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