Lisa Craig

Lisa Craig, of Scottsdale, AZ, saw her life change remarkably after weight loss surgery. Here is what she has to say about gastric sleeve surgery in Tijuana, Mexico:

"I had my Gastric Sleeve Surgery May 21, 2010 in Tijuana, Mexico.  Medical Tourism helped me with the process of getting ready for my surgery by setting up arrangements with the hospital, answering my questions and providing me with support.

"I was 245 lbs (I am 5 ft 5 inches) when I contacted them and desperate to get my weight off.  I had tried everything from diets to work out plans and nothing had worked for me.  I was so frustrated and worried that I would develop major health problems if I didn't get my weight under control.  I found Medical Tourism Corp. while doing an internet search.

"After talking with the staff at Medical Tourism, I was able to choose my hospital that I would have the surgery. I gained a sense of relief.  Initially people had negative things to say to me about my decision to seek medical help outside of the U.S. but once they heard about my experience and saw my results they had a different opinion.

"I have sent over several referrals to Medical Tourism for the Gastric Sleeve Surgery, including a member of my own family.  My mother went on November 2010 and so far has lost over 50 lbs. Along with her several friends have gone. Never while at the Hospital did I feel worried about my safety or my decision to have the surgery outside the U.S.

"Everyone is amazed by my transformation.  I reached my 1 year Surgery Anniversary in May 2011 and have lost a total of 117 lbs.  I am now 128 lbs. I went from wearing a size 20 pants/3X shirt to a size 2!
"The surgery involves removing 80% of your stomach through laparoscopic surgery. you will have 5 small scars on your tummy. Recovery time is about 1 week. After the surgery you will be on a liquid diet for about 1 to 2 weeks and gradually progress to thick and thicker foods until you are eating normal again.

"You can eat about 4oz of food at a time. It is important to take in around 60 to 85 grams of protein a day. I eat 2 meals, 1 snack and drink 1 protein shake a day. I also take a multi-vitamin, fiber chews, calcium and Vitamin D chews a day. I pretty much can eat anything, but in small portions. However, I personally stay on a low carb/high protein diet.

"I had the surgery on a Friday and was on a plane home on Sunday. The hospital picked us up at the San Diego Airport at 7 am Friday morning in vans. There were about 6 people going to get bariatric surgery there along with their spouses. They come from all over the US and world. We traveled as a group across the border into Mexico.

"They took us to get blood work done first at a clinic. Then we drove to the hospital for our consultations, medical questionnaire, and EKGs. Then, came the surgery. After surgery, you can stay either at the hospital or they take you to their recovery house which is really nice. My husband went with me and he had a choice to stay at the recovery house for free or stay at the Marriott in TJ for around $89 a night. He chose the hotel and said it was beautiful and very safe.

"The hospital staff was wonderful and very caring. They made sure that their patients were comfortable and very attentive. I was very pleased with my experience. The day that I was going home they took us to a clinic for X-rays and then drove us across the border back to the airport.

"I will be going back to the Hospital in July 2011 for a Mommy Makeover (tummy tuck, Liposuction, Breast Enhancement and Brazilian butt lift).  My step daughter will also be going with me for Breast Enhancement surgery. We used Medical Tourism again to book everything!
In a nutshell, I can honestly say that having the Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Mexico was one of the best decisions that I (along with my husband) have made.  I am so happy and healthy.  :)  Best Wishes on your journey!"

With a number of hospitals and clinics offering affordable gastric sleeve surgery in Tijuana, Mexico, the patient influx there is on a steady rise.

Surgeons and physicians in Mexico are renowned for their high competence levels, and the cost of gastric sleeve surgery in Tijuana Mexico can be as much as 50 to 60% less than that in the US or Canada. Another benefit of opting for gastric sleeve surgery in Tijuana Mexico is its proximity to the US border.

Some apprehension prior to your weight loss surgery is inevitable, but your anxiety may be eased by reading about the experience of some patients who underwent weight loss surgery in Mexico.

Medical Tourism Corporation facilitates medical treatment at world class hospitals. Submit free quote request for more details.

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