Cancun is one of the most popular destinations for dental tourism in Mexico. Every year thousands of people visit Cancun for dental work. In the video below one of the leading dentist in Cancun talks about dental crowns in Cancun.

Doctor is part of Medical Tourism Corporations network of dentists in Mexico. Cost of dental work is almost 70% cheaper when compared to US.

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Dental Crowns Bridges in Cancun

Dental Crowns & Bridges in Cancun – Procedure

Dental crowns are needed to redo teeth when it’s broken or badly damaged. You need something to reconstruct the teeth and usually that is a crown.

A crown is usually made of different materials from metal to plastic. Plastic is used for temporary crowns and complete metal crowns are no longer in use because they look ugly.

We use metal fused with porcelain crowns, plain porcelain, crconia and porcelain fused crowns now. Each kind of crown has its individual use.

If you are using porcelain or not depend upon front tooth or back tooth, what kind of load you have to make a bridge.

Also it depends upon if you need dental crowns for aesthetics only or its have to work, all this influences what kind of crowns to use.

Get quality crowns in Cancun!

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