Cardiothoracic surgery in India has helped many patients with cardiac problems, who cannot afford the expensive surgery in their own countries.

Check out this video of a leading surgeon from India.

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Cardio Thoracic Surgery- India

Heart Surgery Cases in India

“I think we are now at about 120 patients, of which 3 patients had bad results. They really didn’t do well at all. Couple of them did show some early improvement but at the end of the day, they have not benefitted from the procedure.

And this is after a nine months follow up, that we are talking about. Whereas if you take stupendous results which are even making us still do it, there are about 20 of them who… Completely wheel chair bound and absolutely non progressive in life.

In any form whatsoever, have an absolutely quality of life now. That is what makes you want to get back into. Even though the small number…who gets these kinds of results, its amazing.

The vast chunk fall in the middle group where they are all doing well in their own little ways. What you get is a feedback from them, is that the quality of life has improved a lot. That is a very steady feedback that comes from the patients.

Small things which they never did for fifteen twenty years or whatever and those things, they can now do. They get some amount of self respect, self dignity and get a little bit more independence in what they could never do before. That’s a huge difference to these patients.

Heart Surgery Procedure in India

Major chunk comes from North America, Canada and the US. I have had patients from Norway, I have had some of them from Spain, from Ukraine, Pakistan and now I have started seeing some from Honkong and Tanzania…

There is a very close net community in MS patients, there are multiple forums, they talk to each other. So they all know what’s going on and which centre is doing what and what is the quality. I don’t think its going to be restricted to a particular region.

I think you are going to see patients from all over the world because everyone wants it done. We have everything else available. We have all the cutting edge.

We do endoscopic heart surgery over here… we do vats lobectomies, which is again done by very few centers in the US and Canada. We are now doing CCSVI on a very regular basis, monitoring equipment, infrastructure, pretty much world class, whatever is available at the clinic is available over here.

So I don’t think in terms of infrastructure we are lacking any way behind. Patients are safe coming in to get hi tech procedures done. For CCSVI, in India we are the first ones to do it…is an interventional cardiologist, myself…both of us are a team who do these liberation therapy procedures .

The first team was Zamboni, the pioneer in this, then…… who is a radiologist from Poland, again a key player. He was the second one to get into this large series of patients and we are the third people to get on board very early in the decision making to do CCSVI as a therapy for multiple sclerosis.”

In the video, the cardiothoracic surgeon from India shares his experience in the field, and claims that CCSVI treatment in their facility is being done on a very regular basis.

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