In this video, a renowned medical oncologist talks about his specialization in cancer chemotherapy and immunotherapy in Turkey.

The surgeon talks about his expert team of medical oncologists, psychologists, nutritionists and infectious disease specialists.

Turkey surgeon in the video considers the quality of the services and the team of surgeons in the hospital as the best in the world.

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Cancer Treatment Turkey

“I get patients from Iraq, Iran and United Arab Emirates. Even though United Arab Emirates have modern hospitals and equipped hospitals, and they still come here, because our team is pretty good in Oncology.

We work as a team of medical oncologists, psychologists and nutritionists and infectious disease specialists. So we have …….So they prefer to come here.

In Iran, they come here because we are, we have better circumstances and we have better qualities hospitals, hospital management and patient care.

As I told you before, I have patients from…….others from other Russian states, like Georgia, Uzbekistan, and Macedonia also.

But also most of the patients come, majority of the patients come from Romania, I have treated from Patients Romania and the patients refer to each other.

The patients referring me to other patients. So I think, this is the most preferable result. And our patients are increasing day by day. If I were a patient, I would have come here. I would tell this because the team is very good.

We are trying to our best for our patients, trying to our best. Sometimes, in more advance stages of the diseases, you can do anything.

We also, I mean in collaboration with several colleagues in United States, I am working with them, the most famous, well-known names and they are referring me also, Turkish patients who want to go US , they follow their stay in turkey.”

Turkey surgeon in the video talks about increasing no. of patients coming from Iraq, Iran and UAE because of the expert team of surgeons in the hospital.

Therefore, medical tourism in Turkey is flourishing because of high quality cancer treatment at a fraction of cost of what it would be in countries like UK and US.

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