Watch Andrea Lea from Houston, Texas review gastric sleeve surgery in Tijuana, MX on the third day into the procedure. Her surgery was performed by a bariatric surgeon in Mexico.

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“My name is Andrea Lea and I am from Houston, Texas. I had the gastric sleeve done in Tijuana. Three days, three days ago on Monday and its Wednesday."

How do you feel after surgery?

“Good, a little sore. We did a lot of walking today.”

Why did you choose Tijuana and Medical Tourism Corp for WLS?

“The price! It’s a lot cheaper here than it is in the States. We did, I did, I looked at different companies but I found the Medical Tourism and they were rated by the Better Business Bureau an A. So, that was the first indication and it was a good company and then I started asking questions and they were very prompt and very informative. So, I felt comfortable with them.”

How was your experience upon arriving in Tijuana for your Bariatric Surgery?

“It’s been incredible. Everybody has been really nice. Step by step we’ve been told what’s gonna happen. Every day, everyone’s …… us numbers and it’s been on a very tight schedule. I mean everything is been according to when they said it’s gonna happen. So, it’s been good. I am very very impressed with everything.”

How was the hospital?

“It is what I expected. The facility was a regular hospital. The people there, the customer service that made a huge difference. All of the nurses, even the transporters, and the technicians were incredible. Incredible service!”

How was the experience of your companion?

“I think he liked it; he got a coffee everyday from Ms. Rosa so that was the plus. They treated him very well. They made sure he was as comfortable as he could be as well.”

Would you recommend Medical Tourism Corp to anyone considering Weight Loss Surgery?

“I think everyone here has been incredible. I mean from the …..picking us up. It’s just been just a great experience. Way beyond what I expected.”

MTC facilitates affordable weight loss surgery in Mexico and one can expect to save nearly 70% on the US prices. Watch another video testimonial of Jackie Graves from Oklahoma reviewing her sleeve reduction in Tijuana, Mexico.

Affordable Gastric Sleeve in Tijuana

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