All-on-4 implants is an approach to restore the whole arch with just four implants. One of the most affordable places to get dental implants is Tijuana, Mexico. Tijuana is a city in the Mexican state of Baja California. It is 17 miles from San Diego, CA.



All on 4 Dental Implant Tijuana

All on 4 Dental Implant Tijuana

In recent years, dental tourism in Mexico has reported an average growth of seven percent.

Cost of All on 4 Implants in Tijuana

The Cost of Each Component of the All-on-4 Implants in Tijuana Is

  • CT Scan + 3D CT Surgical Planning: $200
  • 4 Custom Implants @ $795 each: $3,180
  • 4 Custom Abutments @ $500 each: $2,000
  • 1 Temporary Denture: $385
  • 1 Acrylic Hybrid Denture: $3,000

Total Cost: $8,765

Additional Costs (if Necessary)

  • Regular Extraction: $75 each
  • Surgical Extraction: $125 each
  • Bone Graft: $395
  • Membrane: $100

In a single appointment, the patient gets a new set of teeth which is fully functional.

Top Dental Clinics in Tijuana

Our associate clinics in Tijuana specialize in all of the following:

  • Dentures
  • General Dentistry
  • Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Root Canals

Also, the clinics provide a guarantee on dental work which covers defects in the materials that become evident later on. This guarantee includes problems like a crown coming off, a crown or a denture that might need adjustment, etc.

All on 4 Implants Tijuana Before and After

Given Below Are Some Salient Features of Our Clinics

Head Dentist: Dr. Elizabeth Orozco

The brand-new dental facility is located in the city’s Zona Rio. The staff here is professional and board certified.

The dentists and patient coordinators working with us understand and speak English. Also, we use highly sophisticated advanced dental planning software to fabricate a computerized surgical guide.

CT scanning recreates a three-dimensional surgical site. The 3D printed surgical template:

  • Ensures that the implant is placed precisely in the optimal position
  • Maximizes the available bone for the implants
  • Allows for a decrease in healing time

From the border, the clinic is just ten mins away.

Head Dentist: Dr. Eva Guerero

Located just 8-9 mins from the border, this is a state-of-the-art facility, with modern high-tech equipment, digital x-rays, and high definition TV monitors. The patients can view x-rays and photos of their teeth.

Our facility is clean, tastefully decorated and located in a modern building. The clinic has an English-speaking staff with many years of experience.

Head Dentist: Dr. Elizabeth Orozco

Our Mexican dentists are well-trained and have a lot of experience with American patients. 99% of its patients come from the USA. The clinic’s implantologist is one of the best in the city.

The clinic has become popular among those seeking treatments outside the United States. It is a well-equipped facility with the best technology.

Head Dentist: Dr. Paola Roldan

It is 5 minutes from the border, in a safe area of the city. Using the latest technology and the best dental practices, it offers the highest quality dental care.

Head Dentist: Dr. Vianey Castellano

The founder, Dr. Vianey Castellanos, received training under Dr. Rene Andrade Peterson. He is the former Vicerrector of Studies in Dentistry at the UABC (La Universidad Autónoma de Baja California).

The distance of this clinic from the border is about 7 miles. The clinic is committed to giving its patients an aesthetic and healthy smile.

Why Get All on 4 Implants in Tijuana, Mexico?

Given below are the differences in the cost of all on fours among the countries of Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Country Price in USD
USA $15,000-$24,000
Canada $29,000
Mexico $8,765
Source: Dental Implant Cost Guide.
  • Our network clinics use materials approved by the American Dental Association (ADA).
  • Our network clinics boast of in-house, state-of-the-art lab facilities.
  • There is no wait time before an appointment.

Usually, bone grafts aren't required. The tilted posterior implants make bone grafts redundant.

Get pocket-friendly dental implants!

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Why MTC for All on 4 Procedure in TJ, Mexico?

We at Medical Tourism Corporation (MTC) provide quality and inexpensive medical treatment. Our network includes the top dental clinics in Mexico. Our staff focuses on patient satisfaction.

Providing value-for-money deals along with quality health care is our primary motive.

  • MTC has the highest A+ BBB (Better Business Bureau) ranking with an excellent track record of 12+ years.
  • Our clinics are easily approachable from San Diego. San Diego is well connected to other parts of the United States and Canada with frequent flights.
  • We aid in obtaining a passport or visa.
  • We provide complete logistical assistance, including hotel stay and dining options. Our location manager takes care of all your needs once you are there.
  • Our company provides free concierge services.
  • Our dentists can comfortably converse in both English and Spanish.
  • The treatment provided will come with a warranty period.
  • Free parking services are available outside the clinic.
  • Most of our dentists have a long-standing practice.

Dental Trip – Schedule for All-on-4

Stage 1 (2-Day Stay)

  • Consultation and CT Scan are the first few steps in treatment planning.
  • The implant specialist places the four implants.
  • The patient is made to wear a temporary denture during the healing period.
  • For the implants to fuse with the jaw bone (osseointegration), a 4-6-month healing period follows.

Stage 2 (6-Day Stay)

  • The second appointment is 4-6 months later after healing of the implant sites. If a patient requires extractions and bone grafting, an extra 2-4-month healing process will be necessary.
  • The dental surgeon places abutments on the implants. Impressions of the patient’s mouth are made for fabrication of a permanent denture.
  • 3-4 days later, the specialist inserts and adjusts and screws the denture into the implants.

Important Travel Info on Tijuana

  • American and Canadian citizens require a passport to travel to Mexico.
  • The San Ysidro border opens at 6 am and closes at 10 pm. Make sure you get to the border within the given time frame. Even if you are two minutes late, you will have to wait till 6 am in the morning to get through!
Watch on YouTube
Best Time to Cross The US-Tijuana Border for Dental Tourists
  • The official Mexican currency is the Nuevo Peso (N$). Most of the businesses, however, will accept the American dollar.
  • If you plan to rent a car, bookings should be made before leaving home to ensure it is available when you get there. Booking in advance will also help you get a reasonable price.
  • It is advisable to get Mexican auto insurance. That is in case you decide to drive through the country in your car. Auto insurance is available on both sides of the border.
  • A valid driver’s license will be required. Also, the person who rents the car should be at least 25 years of age.
  • Make sure you are aware of your surroundings. If you suspect anything fishy, return to a safe place immediately.
  • The best time to visit Tijuana is between December and April when there is virtually no rain. The coldest months are between December and February, while the wet season begins in the south in May and lasts until October.
  • If you plan to visit in the summer months, remember to take along your casual clothes, comfortable shoes, a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen lotion.
  • The phone number for emergency services in Mexico is the same as that in the US, i.e., 911.

Some Language Tips

Spanish is the commonly spoken language in Mexico. Some of the locals might not understand English. Here are some common Spanish phrases to help you overcome language barriers.

English Spanish
Hello Hola
Bye Gracias
Yes Si
No No
I do not speak Spanish. No hablo español.
Can you speak English? Habla usted ingles?
How much? Cuánto cuesta?
I am lost. Estoy perdido.
I am sorry. Lo siento.
Excuse me. Discúlpeme.
Help Socorro
Crown La corona
Enamel Esmalte
Jaw Mandibula
Lower teeth Dientes inferiores
Upper teeth Dientes superiores
Tooth Diente
Tongue Lengua
Denture Dentadura
Implant Implante
Slight pressure Un poco de presion
Slight sting Una picadura
Dull pain Dolor leve

What Are All-on-4 Implants?

  • It is suitable for patients who need replacement of all teeth in the upper or lower dental arches.
  • It is a two-visit procedure (details below).
  • The dentist places four implants in the arch after extraction of teeth (if needed).
  • Two implants are placed in a vertical position, and two at an angle of 45 degrees. Tilting provides increased bone support.
  • A temporary bridge is fitted on the implants. This restores the patient’s function and aesthetics. (The patient must be a candidate for immediate load implants and prosthesis.)
  • After the first sitting itself, the patient goes home with a beautiful and fully functional set of teeth. That is the reason why they are also known as teeth-in-a-day.
  • According to our patients’ reviews, implants are more comfortable and aesthetic than removable.
  • One significant advantage of All-on-4 implant-supported bridges over removable dentures is that they don’t need to be removed and cleaned every day.

All on 4 Implants in Mexico Reviews

Results may vary. We do not guarantee any specific outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

This procedure is seen to have a high success rate.

In a retrospective study on All-on-Four Immediate Function NobelActive Implants, the following data was inferred:

All-on-4 Dental Implants 1-Year Success Rate

All-on-4 Dental Implants 1-Year Success Rate

A survival rate of 98.4% and 99.7% (maxilla and mandible, respectively) at the 1-year follow-up was reported. The overall success rate stood at 99.6%.

A survival rate of 100% was reported for tilted implants, 96.5% for axial implants, and a prosthetic survival rate was 100% after five years.2

This single-center retrospective study evaluated the concept while using the NobelActive implant by Nobel Biocare.

All-on-4 Dental Implant 5 yr success rate

All-on-4 Dental Implant 5 yr success rate

The whole procedure is performed under anesthesia. However, pain is subjective, meaning that it varies from patient to patient. Most of our patients feel comfortable during the procedure.

Mild swelling may be experienced after the procedure. It subsides in a few days. Our patients go back to their normal routine in no time.

  1. A prosthesis is fitted over the implants. It is a more permanent solution as compared to regular dentures which are removable.
  2. Implants eliminate the hassle of removing the denture every day for cleaning. All-on-4 Implants are a low-maintenance, permanent solution to missing teeth.
  3. It gives a natural appearance and is more comfortable than a removable denture.
  4. One of the major cons of a denture is that it causes severe bone loss over the years. In the case of implants, the effect is the opposite of that. Implants promote the growth of the surrounding bone structure and cause an increase in bone density.
  5. A huge advantage of All-on-4 is the quick and swift transition, i.e., from having no natural teeth to a complete set of aesthetic and fully functional teeth in just one day!

Both of them are forms of the ‘All-on’ approach. This approach involves the placement of implants in the jaw bones.

However, the indications of the two are a little different. The procedure suitable for you will depend on many factors, like:

  • The number of missing teeth
  • The quality and quantity of the remaining bone structure
  • The general medical condition of the patient

Usually, when extra support is required for a permanent prosthesis, i.e., the bone quality is poor, an All-on-6/8 approach is used. It places 6 or 8 implants per arch instead of 4.

Conversely, if the patient has enough bone to support the prosthesis, the All-on-4 method is used.

All on 6 Dental Implant

All on 6 Dental Implant

Only after detailed examination can a final treatment plan be made.

Making a treatment plan requires proper analysis of the patient’s health. Some medical conditions are barriers to implant placement, such as:

  • Heart conditions like valvular disease or cardiomyopathy.
  • Bone diseases, e.g., osteopetrosis, Paget’s disease, etc.
  • Active cancer.
  • Certain neurological and psychological
  • History of radiation therapy in the past three months.
  • Certain immunological
  • Other disorders like diabetes and hypertension. Depending on the severity, the procedure may be done under cover of suitable medication.

Age is not a limiting factor in this treatment.

The first and most important aspect of post-op care is proper cleaning. Once a procedure is complete, the patient receives important cleaning instructions and should follow them meticulously.

Secondly, smoking and alcohol consumption can cause failure of the implant. Therefore, these things should be avoided, at least during the healing period.

Also, if your dentist prescribes you any medications, it’s important to take them as and when mentioned.

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