­­­­­Dr. Joaquin Berron, from the Dentaris Dental Clinic in Cancun, Mexico talks about the various accreditations and rankings the clinic has been awarded with. Established in 1983, the dental has amassed excellent reputation and receives hundreds of medical tourists every month.

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Top Dental Clinic in Cancun, Mexico

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“So the first accreditation I would say is the ADA (American Dental Association), ICOI (International Congress of Oral Implantologists) and AAID (American Association of Implant Dentistry). The clinic has won two years in a row the first prize for Mexico for the Global review.

“And this basically what it is, you have to present the paperwork of your clinic, the certification methods that you have, the surgical protocols that you take care of, the kind of products that you use within the clinic and this whole sums to them giving a ranking. We have been ranked the top clinic in Mexico for 2 years in a row with them. This is an independent institution that does that. So, it’s a very important thing for us.”

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