Are you dreading the pain and expense of root canal treatments in the US? Discover root canal treatment in Chandigarh, where you can experience painless dentistry and save up to 97% compared to the US, UK or Australia!

Delve into costs, top clinics, comprehensive packages, and expert dentists for your perfect smile below.

Chandigarh Root Canal Patient Reviews

Discover firsthand accounts from our patients in Chandigarh who have undergone root canal treatment. Learn about how dental work in India has helped relieve their pain.

What Is the Cost of Root Canal in Chandigarh?

Root canal treatment cost in Chandigarh can range from INR 3,500 to 5,000 ($40 to $60), depending on the location of the tooth. This includes removal of the decayed part, removal of infected pulp, disinfection and filling of the root canals and the core build-up.

RCT costs INR 5000 ($60) in Chandigarh for a molar tooth. In contrast, the same procedure costs around INR 1,67,000 ($2,000) in the US. This allows you to save up to 97%!

Similarly, RCT costs INR 3500 ($40) in Chandigarh for an anterior tooth compared to INR 1,25,000 ($1,500) in the US. This helps you save up to 97% on costs!

Read the below table for a detailed cost analysis.

Root Canal Treatment Cost in Chandigarh vs the USA (USD)
Tooth Location Chandigarh US Savings
Root Canal (anterior) $40 $1,500 97%
Root Canal (pre-molar) $45 $1,800 97%
Root Canal (molar) $60 $2,000 97%
*Prices are case-dependent.

Root canal treatment cost in Chandigarh can range from INR 3,000 to 5,000 (£30 to £45), depending on the location of the tooth. This includes removal of the decayed part, removal of infected pulp, disinfection and filling of the root canals and the core build-up.

RCT in molars costs INR 5,000 (£45) in Chandigarh. The same procedure costs around INR 78,000 (£735) in the UK, thus saving you up to 93% on costs!

Similarly, RCT costs INR 3,500 (£30) for an anterior tooth compared to INR 60,000 (£565) in the UK. This helps you save up to 97% on costs!

Read the below table for a detailed cost analysis.

Root Canal Treatment Cost in Chandigarh vs the UK (GBP)
Tooth Location Chandigarh US Savings
Root Canal (anterior) £30 £565 94%
Root Canal (pre-molar) £34 £640
Root Canal (molar) £45 £735 93%
*Prices are case-dependent.

Root canal treatment cost in Chandigarh can range from INR 3,500 to 5,000 (A$60 to A$90), depending on the location of the tooth. This includes removal of the decayed part, removal of infected pulp, disinfection and filling of the root canals and the core build-up.

RCT costs INR 5,000 (A$90) in Chandigarh for a molar tooth. The same procedure costs around INR 1,50,000 (A$2,700) in Australia, thus saving you up to 96%.

Similarly, RCT for an anterior tooth costs INR 3,500 (A$60)in Chandigarh, compared to INR 1,11,150 (A$2,000) in Australia. This helps you save up to 97%!

Read the below table for a detailed cost analysis.

Root Canal Treatment Cost in Chandigarh vs. Australia
Tooth Location Chandigarh Australia Savings
Root Canal (anterior) A$60 A$2,000 97%
Root Canal (molar) A$90 A$2,700 96%
*Prices are case-dependent.

For affordable and top-notch dental care, explore the various procedures available in Chandigarh below.

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Top Dental Clinics in Chandigarh for RCT

We've curated a selection of top-tier dental centres in Chandigarh for you. Learn about them in detail below.

Best Dentist in Chandigarh for RCT

Meet our dedicated team of dentists in Chandigarh, committed to providing exceptional care for your smile.

Rest assured, your smile is in expert hands with our team of top dentists in Chandigarh.

Dr. Rahul Datta

23 years

MDS - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


Maxillofacial Trauma, Dental Implants, Dental Crowns and Bridge


University of Calcutta, Calcutta

  • Life Member, Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons of India
  • Multiple National and International publications
  • Reviewer for the Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery
  • Associate in Applied Research, Centre of Excellence
Dr. Renu Datta
Dr. Renu Datta

27 Years

MDS Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics


Aligners, Dental braces, Invisalign


Post Graduate Institute Of Medical Sciences, Chandigarh

  • Expert in root canal treatments and dental crowns.
  • Professor & Head at Sri Sukhmani dental college and hospital.
  • Residency at Government Dental College, Nagpur.
  • Scientific publications in various indexed journals.

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Root Canal Treatment Procedure in Chandigarh

What Is Root Canal Treatment (RCT)?

Root canal treatment, also called root canal therapy or endodontic therapy, helps to fix infected teeth. During this, dentists clean the inside of the tooth to remove the infection and prevent recurrence.[1]

Root canal treatment is painless and can salvage a tooth that may otherwise require extraction.

Painless Root Canal Treatment in Chandigarh

Signs That You Need RCT

If you have the following signs and symptoms, root canal therapy is a good idea.

  • Pain while biting or chewing
  • Swelling of the gum near the affected tooth
  • Pus oozing from the affected tooth
  • Swollen cheek or jaw
  • Darkening of the tooth color

Source: NHS[2]

Endodontic files used for Root Canal Treatment

Endodontic files used for Root Canal Treatment

How Is Root Canal Treatment Performed?

Root canal therapy is a three-step process that usually takes one to three sessions. It includes the following steps:

  • Under local anesthesia, a small cavity is made on the tooth surface.
  • The dentist removes infected pulp and tissues from inside the root canal.
  • The hollow tooth is cleaned, shaped, and decontaminated using tiny files and irrigation solutions.
  • A dressing may be placed between two sittings in cases where there is severe pain or infection.
  • The root canals are filled with a rubber-like material and sealed to prevent reinfection.
  • A filling is placed, to strengthen the core of the tooth.
  • After root canal therapy, the tooth is dead, so there is no more pain.
  • However, the tooth becomes more fragile and brittle over time and may need protection.
  • Once the filling is in place, a crown is placed, to strengthen and protect the tooth

Treatment usually takes 1-3 appointments, but in some cases, it may require additional appointments. In cases where the canals are curved, calcified, or if there is a large infection.

Source: Medical News Today[3]

Benefits of Root Canal Treatment

  • Root canal treatment relieves pain effectively.
  • It preserves your natural tooth, allowing you to continue eating normally.
  • With proper care, treated teeth can last a lifetime.
  • After treatment, your smile looks and feels natural.

Source: American Association of Endodontists[4]

Is There Any Risk in Root Canal Treatment?

Like any other procedure, a root canal has its risks and complications:

Sometimes, a canal may get overlooked, resulting in persistent pain or infection.

Improper root canal sealing can lead to reinfection as bacteria can re-enter the canal.

During the procedure, the tooth's root may crack, or instruments may break or perforate the canal, making it challenging to fill the tooth effectively.

Despite treatment, infections may persist if not properly eradicated during the procedure.

Source: Medical News Today[5]

What Is the Success Rate of Root Canal Treatment in Chandigarh?

Here's a table showing the success rate of endodontic treatment over different periods:

Time Period (Years) Success Rate (%)
10 Years 93%
20 Years 85%
30 Years 81%
37 Years 81%

Source: NIH[6]

Is Root Canal Treatment Painful?

Many fear root canal treatment will be painful, but when done by a trained dental surgeon, it's usually painless. Before starting the procedure, the dentist numbs the tooth and surrounding area with local anesthesia to minimize discomfort.

Ironically, this procedure helps relieve pain rather than causing it.

Source: Medical News Today[7]

What Can I Expect After a Root Canal Treatment?

  • After root canal treatment, expect some tenderness in the treated area for a few days.
  • Use over the counter pain relievers to manage any discomfort.
  • Follow your dentist's instructions for any prescribed pain medications.
  • Be cautious with narcotics as they can cause drowsiness.
  • Continue your regular oral hygiene to keep the treated tooth clean.
  • Stick to soft foods initially to avoid discomfort.
  • Attend all follow-up appointments with your dentist for monitoring and healing.

Source: American Association of Endodontists[8]

Single Visit Endodontics in Chandigarh

Single-visit endodontic therapy treats an infected tooth in one appointment by thoroughly cleaning and filling the root canal in just one day. With single-visit root canal treatment, you can avoid multiple trips to the dentist, saving time and reducing anxiety.[9]

Let's understand if you qualify for it next.

Who Can or Cannot Get RCT Done in a Single Visit?

Indications for single-visit root canal treatment include:

  • Uncomplicated vital teeth
  • Fractured front teeth affecting appearance
  • Anxious but cooperative patients
  • Patients requiring sedation
  • Patients with physical limitations
  • Patients with medical conditions

Source: IJCE[10]

Contraindications for single-visit root canal treatment include:

  • Infected teeth with symptoms but no drainage
  • Teeth with unusually shaped canals, like severely curved, calcified or blocked canals
  • Patients with allergies or past problems with their teeth
  • Cases of severe or large infection, tooth abscess with pus
  • Patients who can't keep their mouth open for long (due to jaw joint issues)
  • Patients with severe pain when tapping on the tooth suggesting acute infection
  • Teeth that are hard to reach for treatment

Source: IJCE[11]

Difference Between Single and Multi-Visit RCT

Aspect Single-Visit RCT Multiple-Visit RCT
Definition Treatment completed in one session Treatment completed in multiple sessions
  • Reduced number of visits
  • No need for repeated application of anesthesia or rubber dam
  • Eliminates chances of contamination
  • Allows for meticulous treatment of complex cases
  • Allows progressive healing of large infections
  • Promotes comfort for patients who prefer shorter visits
Disadvantages Possible increased risk of flare-ups or complications Requires multiple visits
Risk of Flare-Up Higher risk Lower-risk
Clinical Recommendation It is preferred for certain uncomplicated cases It is considered for complicated cases

Source: BMJ[12]

Conquering RCT Fears: Pre-Treatment Anxiety Tips

Navigating dental appointments can be daunting. Here are some tips to help you:

  • Share your fears or concerns openly with the dentist and staff.
  • Don't hesitate to ask questions about treatments and procedures.
  • Request clear explanations from the dentist to ease anxiety about upcoming work.
  • Talk to the dental team about relaxation techniques or comfort options.
  • Ask friends and family for dentist recommendations you can trust.
  • Use online resources to check out the dental practices and their staff.
  • Remember, feeling nervous is normal, and the dental team is there to help.
  • Put your comfort and well-being first during dental appointments.

Source: Colgate[13]

Is It Safe To Get Root Canal Treatment in Chandigarh?

Getting root canal treatment in Chandigarh is completely safe and very rewarding with thorough research. By partnering with only renowned dental clinics, we ensure experienced dentists deliver top-tier care.

Our dentists boast over two decades of expertise, guaranteeing comfort and confidence throughout your treatment.


Relieve your concerns about root canal treatment costs and discomfort in your home country. Discover painless dentistry and save up to 97% with root canal treatment in Chandigarh. Reach out to us now for a FREE consultation.


A root canal can often be completed in a single day, referred to as 'single-visit endodontics' or 'single-sitting RCT.' This process involves accessing the tooth, cleaning and shaping the root canals, and sealing them in one appointment.

Wait until the numbness from the anesthesia completely wears off before eating to avoid accidentally biting your lips, cheeks, or tongue. Prefer a soft diet, including foods like yogurt, mashed potatoes, oatmeal, and scrambled eggs. Avoid hard, hot, and spicy foods for the first few days following the procedure.

A tooth can survive up to 37 years after a root canal with an average of about 32 years. The main factors ensuring success after a root canal are getting a crown and having neighboring teeth on both sides of the treated tooth.[14][15]

Survival Rates of Root Canal Treated Teeth
Time after RCT (years) Survival rate
10 years 97%
20 years 81%
30 years 76%
37 years 68%

Painless RCT @ affordable rates!

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  1. Medical News Today: What to expect from root canal treatment
  2. NHS: Root canal treatment
  3. AAE: Benefits of Root Canal Treatment
  4. NIH: Long-term tooth survival and success following primary root canal treatment: a 5- to 37-year retrospective observation
  5. AAE: Post Treatment Care
  6. IJCE: Single visit endodontics
  7. BMJ: Single-visit or multiple-visit root canal treatment: systematic review, meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis
  8. Colgate: Overcoming Fear and Anxiety At the Dentist's Office