Are you suffering from chronic hip pain? If so, a hip replacement can significantly improve the quality of your life. In case the cost is high in your country, getting hip replacement surgery abroad might be a good option for you.


Hip Implant 

Why Should You Go for a Hip Replacement Surgery Abroad?

1. Lesser Costs

If you reside in the U.S. and are not insured, your hip replacement surgery can cost $39,000 or more. The average cost of the same abroad is around $22,000, 44% lower.

2. High Standards of Healthcare

Many hospitals that receive a large number of medical tourism patients keep up their healthcare standards and are JCI accredited.

3. High Levels of Satisfaction

Reviews from former patients speak volumes about the quality of hip replacement surgery abroad.

4. A Refreshing Vacation

Treatment combined with a couple of weeks’ vacation will help you recover and rejuvenate - ready to dive back into your life once you’re home! 

Factors To Consider for Hip Replacement Abroad

You need to consider surgery fees, recovery costs, healthcare standards, ease of travel, etc. The success of your hip replacement surgery abroad depends on choosing the best hospital and doctor for your case.

Factors to Consider for Hip Replacement Surgery Abroad

  • Inclusion of all Hospital, Specialist, Surgery, Implant and Physiotherapy Costs
  • Short or No Waiting List
  • Rate of Complications Under 1%
  • Number of Surgeries Performed Per Year
  • Experience in Minimally Invasive Techniques
  • Companion Stay
  • Ease of Travel
  • If Hip Implants Are Tailored to the Patient
  • Cleanliness of Hospitals

The above factors are some things to look at when making a decision. You should also find out as much information as you can about the hospital, such as:

  • Certification from the respective nation's leading medical body
  • Joint Commission International (JCI) accreditation
  • Reports from an independent monitoring body
  • Medical facility/patient reviews

Another important thing to consider is the cost of surgery as a private patient. You’ll be able to see the comparison below. 

What Is the Cost of a Hip Replacement as a Private Patient?

The cost of a privately-funded total hip replacement surgery varies by country. The following table can help you compare these prices:

Average Cost of Hip Replacement Surgery Abroad
United States
$39,299 $55,164 €34780
United Kingdom
$15,243 $21,396 €13,490
$17,600 $24,705 €15,576
$14,000 $19,651 €12,390
$10,600 $14,879 €9,381
Costa Rica
$10,000 $14,037 €8,850
$6,750 $9,474 €5,973

As you can see from the table, India is the least expensive destination for hip replacement surgery. In Australia and the UK, it is about 50% and 60% cheaper, respectively, than in the US.

When calculating the total cost, consider initial consultation, diagnostic investigation, hip replacement surgery, follow-up appointment, travel, etc.

We can arrange an all-inclusive package for your hip replacement surgery abroad. Contact our team to learn more.

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Traveling for Hip Replacement Surgery Abroad

In addition to cost, you might also wish to consider travel time when choosing a country for your hip replacement. Here’s the comparison of flight times to different countries from the US and the UK respectively.

Country Approximate Time
Mexico 1-6 hours
Costa Rica 4-9 hours
Spain 8 hours
United Kingdom 9-10 hours
India 17 hours

You can see from the table that India is the farthest from the US while Costa Rica and Mexico are just short flights.

Country Approximate Time
Spain 2 hours 15 minutes
Turkey 3 hours 37 minutes
India 9 hours 25 minutes
Costa Rica 10 hours 37 minutes
Mexico 10 hours

As you can see, India is the farthest from the UK while Spain and Turkey are just short flights.


Where Is the Best Place To Have Hip Replacement Surgery?

The places we recommend for hip replacement surgery abroad have accredited hospitals, a well-connected international air travel network and a robust hotel/furnished-apartment market.

Mexico is ranked the world’s sixth most visited country.[1] The average cost of hip replacement surgery in Mexico is USD 14,000.

Name of the Hospital Location Specialties and Treatments
The Oasis of Hope Tijuana
  • Total hip replacement
  • Hip resurfacing
  • Arthroscopy
Sani Medical (Baja Surgery Centre) Los Algodones
  • Treatment for joint and bone disorders
  • Total/partial hip replacement

India is one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world.[2] The average cost of total hip replacement in India is USD 6,700.

Name of the Hospital Location Specialties and Treatments
Max Healthcare Delhi
  • Total hip replacement
  • Hip resurfacing
  • Arthroscopy
  • Bilateral joint replacements
Fortis Healthcare Department of Orthopedics Delhi, Bangalore, Chandigarh, Chennai, Jaipur, Kolkata, Mumbai
  • Treatment of joint, bone and spinal disorders/injuries
  • Arthroscopy
  • Total/partial hip replacement
Apollo Hospitals All major cities of India
  • First hospital in India to perform the Birmingham Hip Resurfacing procedure
  • Specializes in total/partial hip replacement

Spain is well-known for its scenic beauty and inspiring landscapes.[3] The average cost of total hip replacement in Spain is USD 17,600.

Name of the Hospital Location Specialities and Treatments
Quirónsalud Hospital Madrid, Barcelona
  • Well-known for the latest technological advancements and procedures
  • Specializes in hip reconstructive surgery, and surgery of lower limbs such as hips, knees, and feet

Costa Rica sets the benchmark for ecotourism.[4] The average cost of total hip replacement in Costa Rica is USD 10,000.

Name of the Hospital Location Specialities and Treatments
Clinica Biblica Hospital San Jose
  • Longest running private hospital in San Jose
  • Provides hip replacement and resurfacing surgeries
  • JCI-accredited
CIMA Escazu, San Jose
  • Costa Rica’s second-largest private hospital
  • Specializes in hip replacement and hip resurfacing
  • JCI-accredited

Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar is one of the world's oldest and largest markets.[5] The average cost of total hip replacement in Turkey is USD 10,600.

Name of the Hospital Location Specialities and Treatments
Anadolu Medical Center Istanbul
  • Incorporated with Johns Hopkins Medicine
  • Treats all orthopedic illnesses, including hip problems

Can’t travel abroad for your hip replacement surgery? Medical tourism within the U.S. might be just what you need: it is well-known around the world for the best orthopedic surgeons.

Name of the Hospital Location Specialties and Treatments
Joint Implant Surgeons (JIS) Orthopedics Ohio
  • Operating for over half a century
  • Well-known for its minimally invasive techniques
  • Provides joint replacement, keyhole surgery, fracture treatment, and tendon repair


Patient Reviews

You can also request to speak to the other patients of the hospitals we suggest. Talking with someone who has gone through a hip replacement surgery will clear any doubts you have. You'll also learn what to expect. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

In some cases, it is possible to travel within a week after surgery. If there’s a setback during recovery, it may take longer.

It’s very important to keep your doctor informed of your travel plans. Taking a long flight after surgery can restrict blood flow due to the absence of movement.[6] Some complications that can arise due to this are -

  • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)[7]
  • Increased hip discomfort
  • Dehydration due to a lack of cabin humidity
  • Disruption in hip healing

To avoid these complications, you can get an exit row seat that gives you room to move. You can also walk up and down the aisle every 30 minutes or so.

Your doctor may prescribe blooding thinning drugs to reduce the risk of DVT. They will also inform you of other precautions to take during travel.

There are many qualified orthopedic surgeons, around the world, with extensive experience in hip replacement surgeries. Every patient’s experience is subjective and it is difficult to single out one best hip replacement surgeon.

You may consider our list of recommended hospitals and surgeons. Alternatively, You can speak to our team and we can assign a specific case manager for you.

Our team of surgeons -

  • Is board certified (national or international)
  • Has experience in hip replacement surgery for over ten years
  • Produce outstanding results (a complication rate of under 1%)

Yes, many of our hospitals and clinics are certified by the JCI or other accreditation bodies. For more details about the hospitals, you can contact us and we shall assign a case manager specially for you.

Based on the table ‘Factors to Consider for Hip Replacement Surgery Abroad’ and the approximate journey times, we have shortlisted the following countries:

  • Mexico
  • India
  • Turkey
  • Spain
  • Costa Rica

Remember, ease of travel is essential for the return journey as you will be in the recovery phase. A direct flight is preferable.

Most THR surgeries require a few days of monitored physiotherapy, so you may need to stay for a while after the surgery. Instead of a hotel, it would be economical to rent a furnished apartment.

So research the costs of renting when choosing the country.

We hope this article answers all your questions about hip replacement surgery abroad. If not, talk to us and get all your doubts cleared!

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