Bariatric surgery has become the go-to option for many people to treat obesity. And gastric bypass is one of the most common and effective weight-loss surgery.[1] However, sometimes the gastric bypass procedure may fail, and one may need revision surgery. That’s when gastric bypass to TORe revision surgery is done.

Continue reading further to know the complete details.

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What is Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Gastric bypass is one of the most common and effective weight-loss surgery.

This weight-loss surgery is:

  • also known as Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB),
  • as it forms a Y-shape after joining the parts of the intestine.

In this, a small pouch is created from the stomach & directly connected to the small intestine.[2]

Gastric Bypass Surgery

RYGB is the most preferred weight-loss surgery due to the following reasons:

  • Sustainable results
  • Immediate weight-loss
  • Improved quality of life
  • Reduction of comorbidities
  • Reduced pre-operative complications

Source: NCBI[3]

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Why Do You Need Gastric Bypass Revision?

However, despite the high success rate, weight regain was seen in over 25% of the patients.[4] To tackle this situation, gastric bypass revision surgery is recommended.

Why Do You Need Bariatric Revision?

Why Do You Need Bariatric Revision?

The most common reasons for gastric bypass revision are:

  • Significant weight regains after weight loss surgery.
  • Not enough loss of excess body weight after bariatric surgery.
  • Enlargement of gastro-jejunal stoma size, leading to reduced satiety.

Source: Mayo Clinic[5]

That's when TORe comes into the picture. Scroll down to the next section to learn about it. 

All About TORe: Cost & Procedure

  • TORe is short for Transoral Outlet Reduction surgery.
  • This is a minimally invasive endoscopic surgery:
    • that reduces the size of the gastro-jejunal stoma,
    • to achieve weight loss through mechanical restriction.

Source: PubMed[6]

The TORe procedure cost is ~$15,000 in the US and ~$20,000 in Australia. However, it will cost you only $6,595 in Tijuana, Mexico. This is how you can end up saving ~50-70% with MTC!

Procedure US AUS Mexico
TORe $15,000 $20,000 $6,595
*These are estimated prices.
  • Transoral outlet reduction is done while you are under anesthesia.
  • It lasts about 1-2 hours, and most patients go home the same day.
  • To perform transoral outlet reduction:
    • The surgeon inserts an endoscope into your mouth and guides it into the stomach pouch to examine the inside of your stomach.
    • Heat treatment is applied to the edge of the gastric outlet to help it narrow & close.
    • A suturing device is placed on the end of the endoscope to tighten the gastric outlet.
    • The gastric stoma diameter is reduced by ~80%, and the endoscope is removed.
    • Decreasing the opening’s size will allow you to feel full and help you lose weight.

Source: Link Springer[7]

Illustration of TORe Procedure 

Best Surgeon for Gastric Bypass Revision Surgery

To know more about Dr. Perez, you can read his resume here and have a look at the video below.

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Dr. Hector Perez: Our Bariatric Surgeon in Mexico

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Gastric Bypass to TORe: Success & Risks

Now, let's have a look at the TORe procedure's success and complications:

TORe Procedure's Success:

  • Minimially invasive surgery.
  • Effective, safe with long-term results (up to 5 years).
  • Low-risk of serious complications and zero mortality rate.

Source: MDPI[8]

TORe Procedure's Risks:

  • Minor intra-procedural complications.
  • Mild bleeding from marginal ulceration in the track.

Source: MDPI[9]


Yes, the TORe procedure works effectively and helps you manage weight regain after RYGB. It is considered safe and a long-term solution to tackle your weight regain.

After the surgery, you will be discharged on a liquid diet for the initial days. You will gradually shift from liquid diet to solid food after few days, as per the diet plan provided to you.

TORe is a minimally invasive surgery that:

  • reduces the opening's size between your stomach pouch & intestine,
  • which further helps you feel fuller and achieve weight loss.

It's seen that the patients who undergo TORe procedure are expected to lose 8-10% of their weight and maintain it for 5 years.[10]


Unhappy with your prior gastric bypass or experiencing weight regain? Choose gastric bypass to TORe surgery and lose that extra weight! TORe has been an effective and safe way of managing weight regain post RYGB.

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