Below is the resume of Dr Rafael E. Lorenzana, experienced dental surgeon from El Salvador. His curriculum reflects many years of dental studies, including two dental degrees; the first from the University of El Salvador and the second from Baylor College of Dentistry.

He obtained his Board Certification in Prosthodontics in the United States, which is only shared by one other practicing dentist in Latin America.

Dr Lorenzana is a former member of the Baylor College of Dentistry and Omicron Kappa Upsilon Dental Honor Society, and a member of the American College of Prosthodontics.

Rafael E. Lorenzana – CURRICULUM VITAE

Professional Profile



Baylor College of Dentistry
1984 – 1986, Doctor in Dental Surgery;

Medical University of South Carolina
1980 – 1982, Certificate in Prosthodontics;

University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
1979 – 1980, Diplomated in Occlusion and Fixed Prosthodontics;

Universidad de El Salvador
1967 – 1973, Facultad de Odontologia
Doctor in Dental Surgery;

Universidad de El Salvador
1965 – 1967, Basic Science;

Colegio Garcia Flamenco
Graduated in 1964.


Clinical Professor
1987 – 1993, Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, Baylor College of Dentistry;

Assistant Professor
1982 – 1987, Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, Baylor College of Dentistry;

Instructor of Occlusion
1982 – 1987, Baylor College of Dentistry;

Course Director, 3rd Year
1986 – 1987, Department of Fixed Prosthodontics Baylor College of Dentistry;

Resident, Graduate Program of Fixed Prosthodontics
1980 – 1982, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina;

Resident, Division of Occlusion
1979 – 1980, University of Texas Health Science Center of San Antonio.


Resident, Fixed Prosthodontics
1982 – 1983, Baylor College of Dentistry;

Fixed Prosthodontics, Director of Junior Class
1982 – 1987, Baylor College of Dentistry;

Clinical Instructor of Junior and Senior Classes, Fixed Prosthodontics
1982 – 1992, Baylor College of Dentistry.


1967 – 1973, Juventud Odontologica Salvadorena;

1974, Sociedad Dental de El Salvador;

1978, Coordinador de Actividades Cientificas;

1974, Federacion Odontologica de Centroamérica y Panama;

1979, American Dental Association;

1980, American College of Prosthodontists;

1982 – 1993, Texas Dental Association;

1982 – 1993, Dallas Country Dental Association;

1991 – 1993, Federation of Prosthodontics Organizations;

1987, American Academy of Osseointegration;

1984 – 1987, International Association of Dental Research;

1984 – 1987, International Association of Dental Research-Section, Dallas.


1997 – 1999, Salvadoran Dental Society President;

1986, Member National Health Commission of El Salvador
American Board of Prosthodontics Certified
Omicron Kappa Upsilon – Honorary Dental Society


  • First Dental Course in Spanish, Director and Invited Speaker, October 15-17, 1984 Baylor College of Dentistry.
  • Meeting of the Odontologic Federation of Central America and Panama , December 1984, San Jose , Costa Rica , Central America .
    • Combined Fixed and Removable Oral Rehabilitation“
    • Problems in Metal Porcelain Restoration
    • Design of Metallic Structures for Porcelain“.
  • Study group Julio Oscar Novoa, December 12, 1984, San Salvador, El Salvador, Central America,
    • Problems in Restorations in Metal Porcelain
  • Salvadorean Association of Dental Technicians, December 13, 1984, San Salvador, El Salvador, Central America.
    • Alternatives in aleations for porcelain“.
    • Problems in Porcelain Metal Restoration“.
    • Design of metal structures for porcelain“ .
  • University of El Salvador, Dental Faculty, December 14-25, 1984, San Salvador, El Salvador, Central America.
    • Functional and Esthetic Oral Rehabilitation“.
    • Design of metallic structures for porcelain“.
    • Complete Rehabilitation with fixed prosthesis
  • Unitek Laboratory Symposium, May 16, 1985 , Harlingen , Texas ,
    • Framework Design in Ceramometal Restorations.”
  • American Association of Dental Research, April 1985, Las Vegas , Nevada ,
    • Strength of Soldered Joints for Pd-Rich and Au-Pd casting Alloys.”
  • Annual Seminar of Study Group, Ciudad Acuna. October 10-13, 1985, Ciudad Acuna Coahuila, Mexico.
    • Preparations in fixed prosthesis“.
    • Structural design in fixed prosthesis“.
    • Porcelain creations“.
    • Sthetic functions in oral rehabilitation“.
    • Complete rehabilitation with fixed prosthesis“.
  • Salvadorean Dental Association, Odontologist’s week, October 3-4, 1985 . San Salvador, El Salvador, Central America.
    • Preparations in fixed prosthesis“.
    • Structural design in fixed prosthesis“.
    • Porcelain creations“.
    • Sthetic functions in oral rehabilitation“.
    • Complete rehabilitation with fixed prosthesis“.
  • American Association of Dental Research, March 1986, Washington , D.C. ,
    • Comparison of Pd-based and Au Alloys for Ceramometal Restoration“.
  • New Concepts in Periodontics “ Prosthodontics, October 25, 1986, Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, Texas, presented by Dr. Rafael E. Lorenzana and Dr. Hilton Israelson.
  • New Concepts in Periodontics “ Prosthodontics, Graduate Periodontics, University of Nuevo Leon, April 22, 1987, Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, Texas.
  • Dental Society of El Salvador, Odontologist´s week, October 4 – 5, 1988, San Salvador , El Salvador, Central America,
    • Prosthetic rehabilitation over implants“.
  • Dallas Country Dental Society, ” Dallas Mid-Winter Dental Clinic“, January 28, 1989 , Dallas , Texas “ Perio-Prosthodontics”.
  • Texas Dental Association, “119 th TDA Annual Session “, May 6, 1989 , San Antonio , Texas ,
    • Dental Implants: A Prosthodontist Approach“.
  • Advances in Implantology, Dallas , Texas . October, 1991.
  • Dental Implants and Prosthodontics, Plano Study Group, Plano , Texas , July 1992.
  • Congress of the Odontologic Federation of Central America and Panama, Nov. 1992, San Salvador, El Salvador, Central America,
    • Rehabilitation with fixed prosthesis.”
  • Congress of the Odontologic Federation of Central America and Panama , Nov. 1993. San Salvador, El Salvador, Central America.
    • Complex Rehabilitations with fixed prosthesis“.
  • Texas Dental Association “T.D.A. Annual Session”, May 1994, Complete Dentures”.
  • Oral B, August 25, 1994 . San Salvador, El Salvador, Central America.
    • Implantology in general odontology“.
  • Western Odontological Association, January 28, 1995 . Santa Ana, El Salvador, Central America.
    • Complete Prosthesis“.
  • Eastern Odontological Association, March 11, 1995 . San Miguel, El Salvador, Central America.
    • Oral Implantology“.
  • Salvadorean Association of Dental Enterprises, March 31, 1995, San Salvador, El Salvador, Central America .
    • Prosthesis and Implantology“.
  • Dental Association of El Salvador , May 12, 1995. San Salvador, El Salvador, Central America.
    • Fixed prosthesis innovations“.
  • Colombian Association of Prosthodontics, August 25-26, 1995 .Santa de Bogota, D.C. Colombia.
    • Osseointegrated implants, surgery and rehabilitation.
  • Odontologist’s Association of Suchitepequez, A.O.S. August 31, September 1°-2, 1995, Mazatenango, Suchitepquez, Guatemala, Central America.
    • Implantology“.
  • Prosthodontics Association of El Salvador, February 1996, San Salvador, El Salvador, Central America. Invited speaker in the Second jornada of Prosthodontics.
  • Salvadorean University “Alberto Masferrer”, June 27, 1996, San Salvador, El Salvador, Central America.
    • Oral Implantology“.
  • Congreso de la Unidad Odontologica Latinoamericana , November 27-30, 1997, Pero, South America .
    • Prosthesis supported by implants
    • Design of metallic structures for porcelain.
  • XXX Congreso Istmeno de Odontologia en Panama , January, 28-31, 1998, Panama, Central America. Fixed Prosthesis:
    • Complete rehabilitation with fixed prosthesis“.
  • XXVIII Congress of the Odontologic Federation of Central America and Panama , March 2-6, 1998 . Managua, Nicaragua, Central America.
    • Functional and Esthetic Oral Rehabilitation “.
  • 1st Latin American Meeting and 4 th National Symposium of Education and Prevention of Oral Health organized by the Odontolological Confederation of Argentina, April 29 “ May 1, 1999 .
  • Implants over Prosthesis, Dominican Odontological Association, Dominican Republic , 26-30 May 1999.
  • Universal Insurance Seminar. Financial Workshop del sector salud y su reforma.Comision de Medio Ambiente y Salud de la Asamblea Legislativa. 20-21 July 1999.
  • Health Care Reform in El Salvador– National Council of Health Care Reform, 2000.
  • Health Care Reform in Colombia– National Council of Health Care Reform, February 2000.


  • Private Practice Committee, American College of Prosthodontics, 1993 – 1996.
  • Minorities and Woman Committee, Dallas Country Dental Society, 1992.
  • Peer Review Committee, Dallas Country Dental Society, 1990 – 1993.
  • Baylor College of Dentistry, Continuing Education Committee, 1985 – 1987.
  • Library Committee Baylor College of Dentistry, 1983 – 1985.
  • Committee for Clinical Programing, 1984.
  • Omnicron Kappa Upsilon Membership Committee.
  • Scientific Activities Coordinator S.O.D.E., 1978


  • Articles
    • Optimum Thickness of Opaque and Body Porcelain,” Barghi, N. And Lorenzana, R.E., Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 48: 428, 1982″
    • Separating Agent For Direct Lift – Off Porcelain Shoulder Restoration“, Chambless, L.A. and Lorenzana, R.E., Journal of Prosthetic dentistry 54:606, 1985.
    • Stregth Prosperties of Soldered Joint for a Gold – Palladium Alloy and Palladium-Rich Alloy“, Lorenzana, R.E., Staffanou, R.S., Marker, V.A., Okabe, T., Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, April 1987, Pag. 450.
    • Cross Sectional Transmission Electron Mircoscopy Analysis of Soldered Alloys“. Pinozzotto, R.R., Clark, F.Y., Jarvis, M.L., Okabe, T., Microstructural Science Journal.
    • Bond Strength of high Pd – Content Alloys“, Lorenzana, R.E., Chambless, L.A., Marker, V.A, Staffanou, R.S., Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 64:677 – 680 December 1990.
  • References
    • Optimum Thickness of Opaque and Body Porcelain“, Lorenzana, R.E., and Barghi, N., Pedrero, A., Lorenzana, R.E.,s Journal of Dental Research, March 1981.
    • Strength of Soldered Joints for Pd – Rich and AU – Pd Casting Alloys” Lorenzana, R.E., Staffanou, R.S., Marker, V.A., and Staffanou, R.S., Journal of Dental Research, April, 1985.
    • Ceramo – metal Bond Strength of four Palladium – Rich Alloys“, Lorenzana, R. E., Chambless, L.A., Marker, V.A., and Staffanou, R.S., Journal of Dental Research, April, 1985.
    • Ceramo – metal Bond Strength of four Palladium – Rich Alloys“, Lorenzana, R. E., Chambless, L.A., Marker, V.A., and Staffanou, R.S., and Chambless, L.A., Journal of Dental Research, April, 1985.
    • Ceramo – metal Bond Strength of four Palladium – Rich Alloys“, Lorenzana, R. E., Chambless, L.A., Marker, V.A., and Staffanou, R.S., Reprinted Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 54:585, October 1985.
    • Comparison po Pd based and Au – alloy for Ceramo Metal Restorations“, Lorenzana, R.E., Marker, V.A., Staffanou, R.S., Chambless, L.A., submitted to the American Association of Dental Research.
  • Other Articles
    •  Antibiotics in Dentistry “, Castro, S.M., Lorenzana, R.E., Graduation Thesis, University of El Salvador , 1972.

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