Knee Meniscus Arthroscopy Repair Packages Cost: 3,000~7,000 US Dollars
{Covers all at destination medical & logistics expences}

India [Harvard Medical Affiliated & USA Joint Commission Accredited Hospital]
Mexico [World Class Hospitals]
Costa Rica [USA Joint Commission International Accredited Hospital]


An arthroscopic meniscectomy is a surgical procedure in which the doctor uses an arthroscope to look inside a knee joint and removes or repairs all or part of a damaged meniscus in the knee.

A meniscus is a piece of rubbery tissue (fibrocartilage) between the bones of the knee joint.

An arthroscope is a tube with a light at the end that projects an image of the inside of your knee onto a TV monitor. The arthroscope is about the diameter of a pencil.

A tear in the meniscus can occur in one or more directions, depending on the cause of the tear. Traumatic tears are usually vertical whereas degenerative tears (tears that happen over the years) are usually horizontal.

In some cases, the meniscus deteriorates to the point where the tear is no longer “clean”, but rather the meniscus is shredded.

  • Pain: The pain is often worse when you straighten the leg. If the pain is mild, you may be able to continue to walk. You may have severe pain if a torn fragment of meniscus gets lodged between the tibia and femur.
  • Swelling: The knee may swell immediately if blood vessels are damaged with the injury. Sometimes, the swelling develops several hours after the injury if the joint fills with fluid as a result of inflammation caused by the tear.
  • Knee function: You may be unable to straighten the knee fully. In severe cases, you cannot walk without a lot of pain. The knee may click, or may ‘lock’ from time to time if the torn fragment interferes with normal knee movement. (A locked knee means that it gets stuck when you bend it, and you can’t straighten it without manually moving or manipulating the leg.) Sometimes, you may also feel like your knee is giving away.

In some cases, the symptoms of meniscus injury (also known as torn cartilage) go away on their own after a few weeks. But if they don’t or if they flare up from time to time, then you need surgery.

Overview of Arthroscopic Knee Meniscectomy Procedure

Three small holes or portals are made in the knee. The arthroscope is inserted into one of the portals.

A saline solution is made to flow through another portal to improve visibility and maneuverability of the instruments. The third portal is for the working tools.

The arthroscope and the tools are typically 4.5 mm in diameter. The entire inside of the knee is inspected, including the kneecap, the ends of the thigh and leg bones that form the knee, the menisci, and the cruciate ligaments.

Symptoms of Torn Meniscus Cartilage

Some patients can remember a specific activity during which the injury was sustained. A ‘popping’ sound is sometimes heard when the tear happens. Chief symptoms of a torn meniscus are:

  • The tear is identified and probed with a small hook to determine where it starts and ends and how mobile it is. The torn fragment is then cut free and removed.
  • The edge of the remaining meniscus is then shaved smooth. Any gliding cartilage is also shaved.
  • Lastly, more saline is flushed through the knee to wash out any tiny particles that may be floating around. The portals are then closed with one stitch each and a long-acting pain reliever is injected into the joint.
  • The surgery usually takes about an hour. However, the preoperative preparation and the postoperative recovery may add several hours to this time.

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Anesthesia and Blood Transfusion for Knee Arthroscopy

Knee arthroscopic meniscectomy surgery can be performed with a general anesthetic or with a spinal block. You can choose to stay awake and watch and talk to the surgeon during the procedure.

Usually, blood transfusion is not necessary for meniscectomy. However, if in your case it is necessary, your doctor will tell you so, and you can opt for autologous blood transfusion, that is, your own blood will be given to you.

Your blood has to be taken 3-5 weeks before the surgery.

Meniscectomy – Hospital Stay

There is usually no hospital stay involved as knee arthroscopy is done on outpatient basis most of the time.

You will have to stay in the recovery room for a couple of hours after surgery so that you can recover from the anesthesia.

Meniscectomy – Post Procedure Care and Rehabilitation

You will be given some pain medication and anti-biotics in the first 24-48 hours after arthroscopic meniscectomy. The operated knee will be swollen and moderately painful.

After the first week, patients generally do not require any pain medication. You can apply ice to the knee to help control the pain and swelling.

Most patients return to sedentary jobs by the third postoperative day. But please make sure you have someone to help you at home for the first week after surgery.

Taking a flight in the first five days after surgery is not advisable, as it may lead to blood clots in the leg.

Physical rehabilitation is required after knee meniscectomy. If the meniscus was removed, it generally takes three to six weeks to return to full activities, and if the cartilage was repaired, it can take up to four months for full recovery.

The goal of the first week is to reduce pain and swelling, and after this, the goals are to increase range of motion and weight-bearing capacity. Most patients are able to perform simple thigh muscle exercises the day after surgery, and more strengthening exercises are added later.

Surgeons and rehabilitation physicians often recommend physical therapy sessions several times a week for four weeks or more. At six to eight weeks, low-impact activities can often be added, in preparation for return to sport or activity.

Running, cutting, and rotation are avoided usually for at least 16 weeks.

Cost of Knee Meniscectomy in USA vs Abroad

The cost of knee meniscectomy overseas in countries like India and Mexico is a third of the cost in the United States. Hence, patients from the US who cannot afford expensive knee surgery in the US are opting for medical trips to these countries.

The top hospitals in India and Mexico not only offer the advantage of a huge cost saving, but also maintain high medical standards and have the latest technology and equipment.

Doctors in these international hospitals are highly qualified and have international experience & education.

You will see that the hospitals are sparkling clean, patient rooms are large and airy, and friendly, English-speaking staff are always at hand.

A torn meniscus cartilage can be very painful and debilitating. In such a situation, if you have to wait in a long queue for your turn to be operated, which is often the case in the UK, it can be very frustrating.

On the other hand, if you choose India or Mexico for knee arthroscopic meniscectomy surgery, you can schedule the operation as soon as possible in consultation with your orthopedic surgeon, and get back your active life again. So, what are you waiting for?

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